I have an old 2008 nissan quashqai 1.5dci, in the summer here it gives me 50mpg around town, on a run driven sensibly it gives me 65mpg, it's done 149000(miles), serviced by me every 6k, maintained very well by me also and had never had an issue since I owned it. These electric vehicles as others have said are going to be expensive bricks in 8-10 years and they are not green in any way, shape or form!.
Most versatile vehicle I have ever owned and never breaks down as it is so well serviced(in every area).
I don't see the attraction to electric vehicles at all.
I have an old 2008 nissan quashqai 1.5dci, in the summer here it gives me 50mpg around town, on a run driven sensibly it gives me 65mpg, it's done 149000(miles), serviced by me every 6k, maintained very well by me also and had never had an issue since I owned it. These electric vehicles as others have said are going to be expensive bricks in 8-10 years and they are not green in any way, shape or form!.
Most versatile vehicle I have ever owned and never breaks down as it is so well serviced(in every area).
I don't see the attraction to electric vehicles at all.
(post is archived)