Just buy from mouser, arrow, or digikey. All the "maker" scene is hype.
I'm a pi man. There are a ton of options. When I joined voat, it was 99% tech content and 1% memes. My how things changed.
I've done some stuff with friendlyelectric boards and bannana pi/orange pi. Have a lot of experience on nvidia jetson platforms.
I have a couple alt models I've played with. Stability and lack of community support kind of suck, and I had an orange pi nano catch fire a couple years ago.
What do you do with your jetson?
But muh breakout boards! Real hackers go to the source, but sometimes it is fater/easeir to pay more and buy from Maker stores. That said Boycott Adafruit. I am not sure if SparkFun is woke.
(post is archived)