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[–] 4 pts

Im Fucking privileged???? Me?? The highly technical and analytical White guy on my "team" making less than new "People of Color" who have 1/25 the experience and knowledge that I have. 20 fucking years in the industry, Certs out my ass, Respected by senior peers. I have the privilege to make less, have lower raise percentage annually and generally looked down on because "Im White and a Male" and my intelligence comes for free and was given to me? FUCK NO, I worked hard for this, I spent sleepless nights studying and reading and analyzing prints, I experimented with ideas on my own, I love finding new knowledge, I worked hard for this cause I enjoy it. Nothing was handed to me ever. My parents didn't hand shit to me, I fixed or made or worked for it all. And that makes me a better person. So let them say it, let them have it. I know in my heart I am what I created and Im proud that I did it. Because they can award themselves all the positions and all the money based on their color and sex. But I, me, built mine on blood, sweat , and love, love of the craft, love of the knowledge and truth. And that's something they will never have.

[–] 0 pt

Yes, you’re privileged.

You are white, and they have to live their lives as niggers. You’re able to function in a healthy society, something they struggle with.

You have empathy and compassion, which makes you capable of being a great father and husband. They can’t imagine not eating breakfast.

You have a culture rich in history and innovation. They can point only to the made up wakanda as their lone contribution to the world.

Being white is a privilege. We shouldn’t let our ancestors down by giving up on it now.

[–] 2 pts

I vote we take our privilege and make a country with it, and let all the degenerates live without it. We'll call it America.

[–] 1 pt (edited )

On, I'm so sorry that working 100 hour weeks without any kind of overtime or flex time made me privileged somehow.

Go fuck yourself.

(Edit) yeah, paid a bit better than minimum but not by much.

[–] 2 pts (edited )

Yeah I remember all my friends partying while I worked weekend graveyards for 4 years from 18-22 so I could buy my first house, then I had to work 60hrs a week just to survive on Ramin after I bought at damn near the peek of the market, and was upside down for 7 years unable to sell.... . A few decades later and I'm just a lucky guy who fell into it.

No I'm the mf who stuck with it and sacrificed for the long haul.

[–] 1 pt

I prefer the word, "blessed."

[–] 1 pt

Criteria for the future ruling caste.

[–] 1 pt (edited )

Guess the race!!! Then scroll down.




One diversity hire, two diversity hires, 3 diversity hires one more get four.

Welcome to the Great Replacement final stages before the world implodes.


[–] 1 pt

But she probably speaks a dialect of English, so she's also privileged.

[–] 1 pt

Damn right I have white privilege. They can be jealous all they want, don't care.

[–] 0 pt (edited )

After having read the article…some thoughts.

There is a fundamental disconnect between whites and jewish puppets. Jewish puppets believe, truly believe, that America belongs to the world. Everything here should be accessible to anyone who wants to come here, and those that get here have an inherent right to direct how things work. This is NOT a white nation built by white people. It was stolen by white people, built by blacks, and now belongs to the world.

They believe that to their core. That is why they say the nonsense they spew with a straight face.

White people believe we built this country. Our forefathers toiled and sacrificed to tame this land. It is rich in stories and lore of our culture and is a testament to the hard work our people are capable of. It is ours, and our compassion compels its to help others that want to come in need.

White peoples don’t realize that we are losing our own land. The masses still believe the latter statement is true…or have been deluded into believing the first.

More…how to get everyone to wake up to the very, very real possibility of what happens if we lose. Haiti, Rhodesia, South Africa.

[–] 1 pt

Your analysis is spot on. We are now the Indians being displaced.

[–] 0 pt

White people did build this country. At the height of slavery only .03% of white people owned slaves. There simply wasn't enough blacks to have built hardly anything.

[–] 1 pt

Oh, for sure. It’s ludicrous to claim anything else, but that doesn’t stop the niggers or their jew pushers from spouting it and expecting people to believe it…which unfortunately some are.

[–] 0 pt (edited )

privileges are unearned

I retract and disavow the definition I shared, and I am sorry. I will work to ensure that future messages better reflect our organizational values,” Golden concluded