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[–] 1 pt

I’ve done some research. Kingdom Ministries, the distributors of those stickers, would not want to be represented by a slump-shouldered, tattooed woman in a bikini. They’re as opposed to promiscuity as they are to sodomites and race mixing.

Further, the sticker appears to be wrinkled, meaning it was possibly either handed to her or stuck on something, rather than from a fresh stack. It looks as though it is adhered to her palm, as well, which would be less effective than handing a clean sticker to the “mudshark” in question.

Her indignant, fishmouth expression also gives the impression of the sort of liberal mindset that would find the content of the sticker to be intolerant and evil, and that she might be upset about it.

All that aside, Kingdom Identity Ministries are apparently whack jobs who believe that we need to bring back polygamy before Christ’s return for some reason. Not sure how they can ignore I Timothy 3:2, but okay.

In short, I cannot conceive of how a very conservative religious sect would want any affiliation with this woman, nor would I see why she would want to be associated with them based on her appearance and attire.

[–] 1 pt

Or she's showing the sticker she just found to her friend.

We might never know the real story behind this pic.