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Some might wonder if Eisenman is a jewish surname. It can be both German or jewish. In this case you'd have to do visual check and behavior check.

This man doesn't look like or behave like a jew, and a jew would never find himself in this position, let alone do such sacrifice for his child. In fact, a jew would sooner sacrifice his child than himself.

Some might wonder if Eisenman is a jewish surname. It can be both German or jewish. In this case you'd have to do visual check and behavior check. This man doesn't look like or behave like a jew, and a jew would never find himself in this position, let alone do such sacrifice for his child. In fact, a jew would sooner sacrifice his child than himself.
[–] 2 pts 2mo (edited 2mo)

If he was a jew, he wouldn't be sitting in jail, and he wouldn't have had to find the abductor (it would have been him).

I certainly wouldn't expect our pedo in chief to pardon him, maybe Trump will.

[–] 4 pts 2mo

maybe Trump will.

lol don’t hold your breath.

[–] 1 pt 2mo (edited 2mo)

I know , that last bit I even chuckled too as I wrote it.