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[Every single aspect of the media is jewish](https://pic8.co/sh/sdrH2n.jpg) https://poal.co/s/GoyimTV/661875

(post is archived)

[–] 2 pts 1y

We're lucky we're still alive. Having lost all world wars since 1860 to the jews, White people are slowly being picked off 1x1. Laws are being written to censor/criminalize us if we complain and policies have been enacted to slowly exterminate us. ...All according to (((their))) long-term plans. I hope we wake up before it's too late, but it doesn't look good. Even here, we have to be careful not to violate the TOS for fear they will charge Poal with hate speech and shut the site down. For White people, free speech, they argue, doesn't include shouting "fire" in a crowded theater. Well guess what jews? The theater is on fire... you set it on fire... and you idiots are going to burn to death in that fire. Mark my words.

[–] 1 pt 1y

More like where’s all the dead niggers.