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https://pic8.co/sh/nEGFH1.png https://therealistreport.com/jewish-organizations-israeli-ngos-facilitating-invasion-of-europe Archive: https://archive.ph/WMwtF Edit: [Do not post calls to violence or you'll get permanent holidays.](#red)

(post is archived)

[–] 1 pt 1y

This is interesting because the albanians that I grew up around were completely fine. I mean you didn't mess with them because you get beat up and God only knows what else. They used to own a lot of the diners in my town and I heard stories about people trying to skip out on the bill and when they got caught getting quietly taken to the back of the building, beat up and thrown into the trash can.

I grew up in a town that was close to a city and there were cultural neighborhoods in that city for the various different nations that had immigrated there. We had portuguese, albanians, Germans, you get the idea. Each had their little section of town and before immigration got out of control and disgusting it was kind of fun to go to these places and enjoy the cultures. Now that city has no culture, it's all just shit from central america and a bunch of trashy brazilians.