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[–] 7 pts 2y

oUr SupERiOr IntEllIGenCe

If jews were smart , they wouldn’t need to try to erase White Men.

jews are fucking retarded, deluded, and terrified. This is the moral of that mental salad bullshit, and not one of them is smart enough to understand this.

Not one.

[–] 3 pts 2y

Jews are dominated by their intense paranoia that everyone else in the world hates them and it out to destroy them. Of course there is some basis for it -- Jewish behavior over the centuries had induced Christians and Muslims to hate Jews. But Jewish response to this paranoid impulse has caused other races to hate them even more intensely -- it is a self-fulfilling prophecy.

"The goyim will try to destroy us -- we must punish and control the goyim so that he fears us -- now the goyim hates us -- the goyim is trying to destroy us."

[–] 2 pts 2y

You can see this taking place in real time with their reactions to Kanye,

[–] 1 pt 2y

They're so retarded that their racemixing propaganda is thousands of times more effective on jews than it is on Whites. White women are the most loyal women of any race (probably mostly just by default since no one likes non-Whites lmao).

[–] 0 pt 2y

Sometimes I think jews have a natural advantage of getting to think of themselves as a huge extended family, allowed to take pride in themselves, form self promoting groups, and generally have the system promoting and defending them.

Therefor foreigners trying to take over the country, try to take over jews. They want the divide between jews and everyone else. They ALSO usurp jews. Pretend to be them to be at the top of their pyramid. So the "top" jews aren't actually jews like your everyday jews are. May very well be literal satanists.

I wouldn't be on forums like this if it wasn't for a jew who was super into all the real truth in politics, Alex Jones etc. And it's not the first time I've met jews who were WAY above the rest in knowing wtf was really going on, and being on the right side of things.

[–] 0 pt 2y

(((They))) present themselves as undifferentiated ego mass of “jews”. That is the facade by which they expect to be treated. So be it.

This means that one filthy jew who is an enemy of Whites makes all of them the enemy of Whites. Chuck Schumer is as dangerous as George Soros is as dangerous as Jeffrey Epstein.

This was their choice, not Ours, and by now it’s ancient and cultural for them. It’s genetic. This means they’re incapable of setting aside their idiotic posturing as such, which is exactly what would be required for their teleological destiny to be changed.

They have no one to blame but themselves.

jews themselves, every fucking one of them, self-identify as jew-first.