It doesn't seem to be the same guy in the pics
You're right. Same parasite though.
"philosophical approach, influenced by Maimonidean rationalism"
Jeff Rense is based. A little bit wack but based. He's a little Art Bell, David Icke and a tiny smattering of Dr. Pierce all rolled into one.
That's not the sentiment I have with rense, I've noticed a trend of bold unsourced claims over the years
I can't recall what made me tick, but that's the reason I didn't keep him as source for anything. Sort of like natural news, there are nuggets of truth in it, good nuggets, and garbage claims also
Art bell was an hardcore zionist btw, fell for the "I support israel"/"israel is our best ally" stuff circa 911
I listen to Rense all the time because there's a particle of truth amongst the "carnivora" ads and the book sales by 90 year old ex Army guys that are still talking about Pearl Harbor. I was never deeply into Art Bell so I didn't know the zio thing.
(post is archived)