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[–] [deleted] 1 pt 3y

His mistake was sticking stickers on other people's property, they consider that to be vandalism, and that law specifically calls out racially-based vandalism. I'd say that this is a case of us setting a trap for shitty misbehaving niggers, crafting that trap sloppily, and having white men falling into said trap for a far lower level of actual criminal behavior than the trap was originally intended to address (the rioting and looting and assaulting and arson of BLM). This law was so sloppily crafted that a guy got nailed for applying an otherwise-innocent sticker when it was probably intended for niggers who burn down police stations and loot Target stores.

[–] 0 pt 3y

Yeah, but if it was a sticker that said "I heart being black" that a black person was going posting, what do you think would of happen? Do you really believe a black person doing this would of got arrested and charged let alone any non-white person?

[–] [deleted] 0 pt 3y

I think we all agree that there is differential legal treatment of the races in the USA, and that it goes completely counter to what the niggers claim it is.

[–] -1 pt 3y

This is a shit-tier cuckservative reply lol.

The liberal-capitalist system is openly anti-white. We need to adjust our tactics to this reality instead of crying about hypocrisy or discrimination. Avoid the traps as much as possible.

[–] 0 pt 3y (edited 3y)

Of course it is you retard. Look who I am replying too. How am I supposed to get the message through the American "conservative" head that the white guy is being attacked. I have to speak in the rhetoric of American classical liberalism which most "conservatives" only understand today.