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White Beauty is not a socially constructed phenomenon. White women are more varied, colorful, beautiful and genetically disparate then all the other women on earth with yellow skin, black hair and black/brown eyes, or brown skin, brown/black hair and, brown/black eyes.

Any group of men on earth would find White women more attractive because they are. It's just that simple.

Secret - White Men are the same way to many women - today White Men are trained to be pussies and everyone else is trained to hate them.

White Beauty is not a socially constructed phenomenon. White women are more varied, colorful, beautiful and genetically disparate then all the other women on earth with yellow skin, black hair and black/brown eyes, or brown skin, brown/black hair and, brown/black eyes. Any group of men on earth would find White women more attractive because they are. It's just that simple. Secret - White Men are the same way to many women - today White Men are trained to be pussies and everyone else is trained to hate them.

(post is archived)

Kek, your monogamy copypasta. Did you really think you needed it here? It's not like multiple spouses was even part of this conversation, just White men monogamously marrying an Asian woman or White woman after critical assessment of the pros and cons of either choice, on average.

>I dont really think its a virginity thing. It seems to be a sexual fetish to me.

This seemed dismissive to me while reading it.

>Can you see why encouraging male virtue and monogamous males is important? All I hear on this site is how big a problem female promiscuity is. Rarely is male promiscuity mentioned.

Yep. The importance is in my link. It's not as important as female virginity, but it's still pretty damn significant on divorce rates.

>You are avoiding at least half of the problem.

The questions were from both perspectives, White men and White women. Barring arranged marriage (I know you hate the idea), you need to adjust the market forces to change choices for marriage partners. Tons of White men aren't marrying Asians for no reason at all, and unlike kike subversion it's not like mudsharks "marrying" niggers. There is logic in the decisions of the beta male brain. Avoiding half the problem would be to deny this process. At the end of the day, the pros and cons of marrying a White woman need to come out ahead of the pros and cons of marrying an Asian woman, if arranged marriage isn't on the table. White woman already have a big advantage with progeny.

So, once again, what is the most realistic way to get White men with White women? Should Whites try to make Asian women less eager to please White men and not be fat? Should Whites try to make White women more eager to please White men and not be fat? Should Whites try to make White men less eager to want a woman who will please him and not be fat?

[–] 0 pt

You said: I think white guys like asians because they are more virginal.

I said: I don’t really agree, I think they have a fetish for sexually submissive asian stereotype

You and this nicotine person perceived that as: “female sexual virtue doesn’t matter at all” cause you’re cuckoo.

This seemed dismissive to me while reading it.

It really shouldn’t have. Its because you are paranoid. If you are familiar with my monogamy copypasta then why would you assume I don’t think virginity/chastity is important?

The real copypasta is the kind I have to endure Ludivico style from some of you faggots who whine all day about cock carousels and incels, but you completely forget that these women are fucking mostly white men. So men, stop passing around these whores amongst yourselves and then complaining about it. Look at this ridiculous nicotinic person pumping half of SE Asian and then blaming 8 year old little girls for it!

what does fucking have to do with monogamy/polygamy

Everything. You brought up the importance of white female virginity and I continued along that thread. It should be clear to you that from an evolutionary context it doesn’t matter if “Islam is mostly right about women” because Islam produces low quality males of the sand nigger variety. Look at the IQ of Albania and Bosnia compard to neighboring countries. They are the shitholes of Europe.

its not as important as female virginity

Shitholes. I have explained the mechanism by which this happens. It happens like clockwork.

Tons of White men aren't marrying Asians for no reason at all,

Yeah its exactly the same thing as beta females “marrying” blacks. White women who are fat don’t get sexual attention from white men, who are hypergamous for looks. So they settle for a black guy who thinks they are “thicc,” and gives them more attention sexually than white men, at least temporarily— their baby has a 93 IQ but will go to a good college for free and will get the best jobs they can kinda sorta plausibly qualify for, because tan. White men don’t want fat chicks. So they go with someone that does.

You don’t like that logic but it is a logical trade off, just not one that serves whites as a group. White men are drilling the pacific rim for exactly the same reason.

“You better be submissive and don’t get fat.”

You are justifying coal burning. If you are shitting up the gene pool because you can’t find a girl who weighs 120 and 145 is the skinniest chick you can land, you are a disgusting mud shark. The notion that there is not a single white woman left who is not a 500lb prostitute over 40 is absurd. Have the decency to apply your own standard to yourself.

Stop fucking around. Simple. Whether you are a boy or a girl. Stop fucking foreigners. Stop justiying men fucking around. Stop making excuses for your whoring.

>I think white guys like asians because they are more virginal.

Are you confusing me with the other commenter in this chain? I said:

>Sometimes I wonder how much is the physical fetish and how much is the attraction to the lower divorce rates and higher rates of virginity on average

I'm open to all ideas on why Asian women are being chosen so much by White men for marriage. The more that's known, the better the issue can be understood and a course of action made.


Are you confusing me with @NicotinicAcid again? When did I bring up fucking them before marriage? Men wanting to monogamously marry a woman whom they fetichize and want to support/please them as wives shouldn't be news, especially the bit about minimizing divorce through looking at the divorce rates of virgins. His last paragraph is certainly onto something.

>White men don’t want fat chicks. So they go with someone that does.

>You don’t like that logic

That's good logic. The solution there is to make the landwhales lose the fat. Mothers can promote this mindset and lead by example. Mothers can also promote supporting/pleasing the husband so the White daughters can compete with Asian women. Likewise, fathers can promote their sons and daughters being virgins at marriage by arranging their marriages and giving Asian women and niggers no chance at all (although you haven't liked this solution in the past).

Where are you getting all this fornication talk from?

[–] 1 pt

Hey just so you know, and this isn't something a man is ever really proud of, but I've been with one woman in my life. Please fuck off, I'm not a whoremonger despite being able to be such a person. It just never felt right, maybe there's something wrong with me.

[–] 0 pt

Are you confusing me with the other commenter in this chain? I said:

No. I was paraphrasing. I don’t think I misrepresented you in anyway. Replace my paraphrase with your literal quote. My point still makes perfect sense

I'm open to all ideas on why Asian women are being chosen so much by White men for marriage

Same reason white women are sleeping with / marrying non-whites. They are allowed to get away with it.

Men wanting to monogamously marry a woman whom they fetichize and want to support/please them as wives shouldn't be news,

Women defecting to sleep with foreign men shouldn’t be news either. But they are both bad morals.

In a monogamist white society everybody gets to fuck one person, the person they marry. Thats it. Hi status white males will marry hi status white females. If you can only land the fat chick it means that you aren’t hi status. Maybe you aren’t a great provider. Maybe your personality is shit. Everybody doesn’t get the dream girl. But every gets one wife and she’s probably the wife you deserve. This is better than polygamy where low status males are incels.

If a white female says “White husband you don’t let me have my way so Im going to divorce you and youll still have to support the kids while I fuck other dudes, that is breaking the rules of monogamy. If she says, I will stay single and fuck who I want and collect welfare or get some bullshit government job which some white male somewhere has to pay for, that is breaking the rules. Its cheating the system. If she marries a millionaire who has already had kids by two previous ex wives, in stead of marrying a middle income dude, that is also cheating the system.

That is why, for the very same reasons, males also cannot “cheat” the monogamous system by saying, if the females available to me are too low status, I will just opt to race mix.

The rules are the rules. You get one fuck buddy for life. You don’t get to change your mind after the fact. If he doesn’t make a lot of money you are stuck with him. If she doesn’t keep her girlish figure you are stuck with her. Like females, males are hypergamous. If permitted, males will mud up the gene pool (south america). If allowed, males will establish a polygamous system in which some will have many females and others will have none (afghanistan). Neither can be allowed to happen.

You cant talk about market forces unless you establish the bounds or rules of the market. No one will trust the market if the rules are not enforced. If the aim is to keep white people white and not acting like towelheads or some other group, than the rules are one pussy per customer, reproduction is the obligation of women, supporting their wife is the obligation of men, and no shitting up the gene pool with half breed with questionable loyalties and an inabiltiy to follow the rules of white people. That is genetic. You can’t have your society 50% philipino and expect everyone will learn to act white. Come on. That’s why South America is such a mess.

Do you support white people and white culture? Do you want to ensure its survival? Those are the rules you have to follow. You can just bend the rules because some guy wanted a thin chink over a white girl who was a little chunky. That person needs to be ostracized. That person would have been ostracized historically. Thats how it worked. If we don’t shun race mixing we are doomed. There can be no exceptions. Chinese and Japanese are not us. Going outside the race is a selfish strategy that harms other whites. It destroys unity and consistency of cultural standards.