Support and vote for un-kiked politicians.
If you own a business or do the hiring at one, only hire white males.
If you own or manage rental property, only rent it out to whites.
If you sell products or services, only sell your products/services to white customers if you can help it.
Drop red pills online.
Form communities or social clubs with like-minded white friends.
If you can help it, only do business with white male owned businesses.
THATS what i am talking about!
and if you are not in a position to do the things you mentioned, aspire to GET INTO a position that allows you to do those things!
thank you!
though i love females and i know quite a few who are supporters of our cause, so no sexism on my thread please XD
White women are the reason we're in the mess we're in. White women will open the the doors to whatever invaders are at the gates. Women have no moral agency.
So here's another idea: do everything in your power to keep women of any color out of positions of power and influence. A woman's place is in the home, not the jobsite, and not in the voting booth.
The 19th amendment was a mistake.
For centuries, women have been treated like subhumans. and now you wonder why some of them behave like idiots???
man and woman are two sides of the same coin.
you treat women right, and the women turn out right.
you want to win this fight with a population of just men?
get lost faggot!
women are our greatest allies!
(post is archived)