If you're not into credit, then it doesn't matter how much debt you have. In fact, you may as well max-out every last credit option, then just get out of credit.
You're are right. The credit card companies will cut you off after you start the process, but before they figure it out you can go crazy and max everything out.
I didn't do that. Not for any moral reason. I just wanted all of it away from me on that day. I did it in one day.
Yeah that's great until you get cornered one day and have a couple fingers chopped off. Not worth messing with
Yes. I agree. Pay all debts to loan sharks, the mafia, and other underground shady characters. But to credit card companies and banks. You'll be fine. They write off these debts. The are like the house at the casino. They never lose.
True but with the way things are going even debt against banks will probably come back to bite you in the ass in ways you couldn't predict. They'll tag you in their creepy little system and then who knows what
(post is archived)