False comparison.
When the votes were steered against blacks (I'm assuming you're speaking after the 3/5ths compromise" It was about influence within their communities, obviously using slave drivers like Malcolm X, MLK jr, Al Sharpton, Jesse Jackson, then the nigger-bob and "fuu baw" and "baskeh baw"
Anyways, this election was outright stolen using false representation of those casting ballots, ballot harvesting, and of course various forms of election fraud (filling out blank ballots at the counting stations, using the same ballots in the voter machines over and over, tossing of ballots that the left didn't like..etc, etc)
Has voter suppression been applied to the 2 major parties ? Yes. Is this a case of apples to oranges ? Yes.
The Democrats falsely convince blacks that they are voting in their best interest. The reality is that Democrats need to keep them poor to keep selling them the oppression myth. It is not a coincidence that the most violent cities are mostly black and Democrat run for decades.
That's been the plan since the LBJ presidency. Bus now that some nigs are waking up, the Democrats want Mexicans to take their place.
Just so we're all clear, when we say "Democrats" online we all mean jews.
Yes, in order to maintain power, the jews have done a good job socially perpetuating the myth that the boogeyman is to blame and not the people who they elected, which ultimately changes nothing.
It is not a comparison, it is the same thing. Democrats have held poor urban (black) districts for decades using these exact fraud tactics. The only difference this time is they were able to do it in mostly white suburban districts with a computer and were able to add so many fake ballots in the Democrat districts it change the outcome of the federal election. The same cheat on steroids. The Judiciary was complicit by dismissing all the cases on "standing" and not "merit". The steal was obvious, but the courts refused to hear the cases.
(post is archived)