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[–] [deleted] 1 pt (edited )

Trying to form families from casual sex or "dating" is retarded, this "try before you buy" thing. The nu conservatives are ridiculous.

There have always been girls that don't mind trading sex for money and there will always be men who prefer casual sex. That's why prostitution is the world's oldest profession.

Young unmarried or newly married men think marriage is a great lifestyle but I don't run into too many old guys that do - except on the internet. Your life as far as having any kind fun is kinda over at that point. Friends want you to do things with them and you mostly can't. Certain doors close forever.

You are stuck with most of the responsibility in a traditional household.

Everything depends on you and everyone from work and home is emailing, calling and texting you with their problems expecting you to solve them right away. Sometimes you have to take side jobs to make ends meet and provide for retirement so you're working from 5:30 AM until 7PM and some weekends as well. Chances are you hate that job but you can never quit, if you had stayed single, you'd already be retired.

On the weekend, you'll be fixing things around the house, making trips to Home Depot and taking your wife out to whatever boring thing she or the kids want to do that doesn't interest you in the slightest. You won't be able to watch the shit you want to watch in your free time because wife is interested in female things and your music probably will annoy your wife in the car so you can't do that either. You'll find yourself taking long drives by yourself whenever you can.

Try doing that for 20+ years and hope your kids don't turn out to be assholes, you'll probably wish you never met her.

So man up, and have the balls to lay down the law with your wife and kids that you need your own time and your own activities to keep you sane. If your lady is worth her salt, she'd be seeing to that already. No one likes a martyr. If things aren't sustainable where you're at, make them sustainable, and find happiness in life. It's your job to fix what's broken. That's what makes you a man.

[–] 1 pt

Glad to see some sense here...the young men reading should thank you. Buddy probably had a jewish ballbuster of a mom. MANY modern men have no idea how to operate within a hierarchy and that translates into not being able to establish one for your family.

[–] [deleted] 0 pt (edited )

As if there's all this time to work with, it's all the shit I have to pay for, the job I have to do to make that money, the shit that goes wrong in the house and everywhere else.

It's not something she's doing to me, it's the nature of it. She has no control over it and she helps as much as she can.

I will do these shit job(s) I hate working as a slave for niggers until the day I die or they stop hiring me because I'm too old.

But at least my laundry is folded and meals. I could be semi-retired by now....lol

[–] 0 pt

Men don't LOL, faggot

[–] 0 pt

You can still have fun whilst married, but what a lot of people deem as "fun" is actually degenerate - for both sexes.

The trick is to find someone who will happily do what you're wanting to do, and if they're not overly interested in it, will still take part and make the most of it because it's something you find interesting, and they respect you and are loyal enough to do such things without complaining.

That only lasts so long, been there, done that got the t-shirt, two thumbs down.

[–] 0 pt

Big surprise! Loser at life and marriage tries to poison the well of young men rather than introspect and figure out he is a selfish asshole. Why don't you "go your own way", nigger

[–] -1 pt

Your entire attitude is embarrassing. I will tell you a secret about men (since you clearly didn't have any good ones role modeling for you); You talk like "things happen to me"...men talk like "I make things happen". Fucking retards say dumb shit like "hope your kids don't turn out to be assholes" as if that is anyone's responsibility but your own. Your whole attitude is based off having a cuck as a dad and a a cunt as a mom and you were probably raised by school teachers and day care.

[–] [deleted] 0 pt (edited )

You're too scared to even do real martial arts, that LARPer shit is embarrassing.

Obsessively replying to my posts, like you're not a miserable sack of shit desperately trying to validate his choices. lol

[–] 0 pt

Which larper shit do you mean? Which contact sports/arts are legitimate in your mind and which are not? No one seeks to validate their choices through people like you.