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Being aware of the situation we're in makes it impossible to live a happy care free life. Imagine just being able to work and build a family without the underlying feeling of impending doom. We've been denied a happy existence that our forefathers fought for thousands of years to provide to us. We all have a responsibility to defend our civilization from destruction.

Being aware of the situation we're in makes it impossible to live a happy care free life. Imagine just being able to work and build a family without the underlying feeling of impending doom. We've been denied a happy existence that our forefathers fought for thousands of years to provide to us. We all have a responsibility to defend our civilization from destruction.

(post is archived)

[–] 0 pt

you sound like a kikle constantly trying to make yourself out to be morally superior

fuck off kikle, your ilk isn't welcome in white countries anymore, or in white spaces on the internet.

[–] 0 pt

I've said nothing about myself I've only spoken words that I believe to be true as a result of analyzing my own thoughts and emotions alongside nature.

But feel free to block me. I hear it's easy.

[–] 0 pt

yup, using pseudo intellectual statements to try and disguise his moral superiority complex.

As if we need to wait for you to openly admit things to understand things about you kikle lmfao...it's not even hard once you have opened your eyes to who the enemy is...you are the enemy

"I've only spoken words that i believe to be true"

As does every other kikle, because every kikle is stupid enough to buy into their own lies and believe them. Why would I block a lying kikle like you? I'd much rather see what you are posting and be able to constantly smack you down and point out how you are deceiving people on here with your kikeness lmfao

Case and point...you do not use the downvote button, meaning you probably push this whole "downvote isn't to be used" kikeness that is being pushed here...while simultaneously telling others to block you. It sounds to me you just want those who can see what you are to not be able to see your messages so you can continue to gaslight/malign/confuse others

this is primarily why your people need to be eradicated, on top of all the pedo culture you jews tolerate.

Stop trying to play the "moral superiority" game on here, it's an obvious jew tactic and it gave you away the second you started posting

[–] 0 pt

Clearly these are compelling thoughts in your mind.

I can assure you in regards to me personally they are incorrect.

But you don't have to believe me.