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Being aware of the situation we're in makes it impossible to live a happy care free life. Imagine just being able to work and build a family without the underlying feeling of impending doom. We've been denied a happy existence that our forefathers fought for thousands of years to provide to us. We all have a responsibility to defend our civilization from destruction.

Being aware of the situation we're in makes it impossible to live a happy care free life. Imagine just being able to work and build a family without the underlying feeling of impending doom. We've been denied a happy existence that our forefathers fought for thousands of years to provide to us. We all have a responsibility to defend our civilization from destruction.

(post is archived)

[–] [deleted] 1 pt 4y

Are you already rich?

Do you already have a following?

Military training or followers who do?

No? Then son you aren't changing shit. Our new rulers are incredibly powerful and while they have yet to put us street you will not find allies like say the french resistance did

Your focus must be on surviving along with your family. The only way these tyrannies end is when they self destruct and create power vacuums. Which could be hundreds of years into the future.

Note 1776 was a war to change rulers from distant ones to local ones. NOT anything to do with liberty or ending tyranny.

[–] [deleted] 0 pt 4y

Start considering what their weaknesses are. Who are they? What are their numbers? How can you weaken their power base. We know there are 70 million plus people ready for a big jump back to a free and patriotic nation. We need to use that. If a leader with actual desire to fix things were to emerge, simply directing those people to use their collective buying power to pull the rug out from the jews could happen in days.

[–] [deleted] 0 pt 4y

Any leader that arises will be quickly detected and either character assassinated or physically assassinated.

They have in factbeen doing it for years.

So how do you lead without becoming known to fbi etc? Given their hold on communications and technology

[–] [deleted] 0 pt 4y

What about David Duke? Could his time be now? Are there enough people based to start listening and funding him through bitcoin?