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Being aware of the situation we're in makes it impossible to live a happy care free life. Imagine just being able to work and build a family without the underlying feeling of impending doom. We've been denied a happy existence that our forefathers fought for thousands of years to provide to us. We all have a responsibility to defend our civilization from destruction.

Being aware of the situation we're in makes it impossible to live a happy care free life. Imagine just being able to work and build a family without the underlying feeling of impending doom. We've been denied a happy existence that our forefathers fought for thousands of years to provide to us. We all have a responsibility to defend our civilization from destruction.

(post is archived)

[–] 0 pt

That whining about lack of action wasn't directed towards others, he's including himself. It was always a bitter black pill which was always met with resistance, that part explains the jump to the copy pasted replies. He did jump the gun early in dropping those replies but I'm thinking it's because he's been down the same path numerous times and already realized he was arguing with a wall, I don't think he's a kike, just a very black pilled person who realizes the lethargy, subversion and acceptance of defeat the vast majority of Whites have currently.

[–] 0 pt

Still, even when people ARE doing something about it, he would say it was worthless unless it was basically random, lone-wolf violence, that has only historically caused more rights to be lost. There's a list of clear, direct (and legal!) actions that we can all take, and teach others to take, that would be FAR more effective than random violence. He didn't wanted to hear about it though. He just want to piss people off and demoralize people. Whether that was his intention or not. His arguments were very often dishonest too.

[–] 0 pt

no see he wasn't, because I engaged with him unlike you, and i challenged that and he immediately started spamming posts, claiming "you only call me a kike because you can't defeat my arguments" after i defeated his arguments.

He's the very problem with people these days, expecting to lash out at others and chastise them while he sits on his 300+ pound ass at home doing fuck all...that's not "black pilled" that's just an entitled pathetic shithead who found out he wasn't welcome on the left anymore because he's a jew who people think is a "white man", so now he's bitter to the point that he can't even promote white hatred anymore because he knows full well it will eventually just be used against him.

I once asked him how many white children he has sown then, since that is the best way to fight the kikle...he spam posted and refused to answer, upon multiple requests.

I have 6, my oldest openly despises kikles and the NWO...he's 9 :D

That's what the fuck you can do, any cunt kikle like tallest was just, another kikle playing a role to make normies and new people waking up like it was all hopeless, to stop your eye opening in it's tracks

People need to understand how far kikes like tallest are willing to go to win this little battle...you think we are coming to "arrest" the jews? LMFAO you think they are trying to "educate us" into being more like them? LMFAO

this is killed or be killed...

[–] 0 pt

Yeah that's definitely fair, I never engaged him. Also congratulations on the large family and keeping them aware.

[–] 0 pt


but yea I always used to piss him off, it was a pastime for me

really think about it, the "capital" incident, first time right wingers "protested" immediately used to crackdown on right wingers, left wingers riot for 6 months, not one thing done, people in law enforcement openly releasing them from custody without charges.

That's why anyone like tallest is obv a kike shill, they were trying to promote a sense of hopelessness in white people and get them to react violently so they can then use said violence as justification for their own violence

this is literally what happened in germany prior to 1939, on march 24th, 1933, the world jewery organization openly declared war on germany and it's citizens. Yet 80 years in the future it was "the germans" who were evil, not the usurping jew

why is that?

[–] 0 pt

With how much and frequent he was able to post there's no way he had a family or a full time job

Agree with this guy. I engaged and questioned him multiple times as well.

He was great at coming up with crazy copy/paste bullshit because he could sit there like an autist for weeks creating it to spam over and over.

If you ever took him a reply or two deep, he just devolved to saying "I'm right" and spamming some other useless bullshit. He struggled to back up any of his arguments beyond the initial copy paste bullshit.