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[–] 1 pt 4y (edited 4y)

Well, you’re not wrong are you... my main point was there’s no point feeding people information that they don’t want, or are ready to process.

[–] 0 pt 4y

And for people who are ready to process it you should be providing sources, Your OP is basically saying evidence will never convince anybody it is literally the most kiked out bullshit lie I've ever heard.

Only faggots shun sourcing.

[–] 1 pt 4y

I agree with sourcing to a point. These days sources are garbage though. History is edited as it happens.

[–] [deleted] 2 pts 4y

Yeah, like what are you sourcing? Huffpost?

Any mainstream source you give someone is going to be kiked, and any "alternative" source is going to be written off as fake or propaganda.

It's easy enough to come to conclusions based on observation of reality. A lot of shit is very implicit in life, which is one reason low IQ people actually get a lot right (like race realism or anti kikery).

It's only the midwits that have to sit there reading endless texts full of bullshit to mindfuck themselves into believing whatever is being prescribed to them. The eternal sheep with no internal monologue who is only intelligent enough to read and regurgitate information but never intelligent enough to observe and think for themselves.

[–] 1 pt 4y

Some sources are garbage, cnn, fox, msnbc, naturalnews, etc but a few hyperlinks and some key words is the least a fucker can do if he wants to convince anybody of anything that isn't a matter of philosophy or morality.

How many times have qtards embarrassed themselves and by proxy politically adjacent folks like us when they go spamming unsourced claims about legal mechanism they willfully misinterpret? Some things are common knowledge now but due to a lack of sourcing a qtard majority has spread unsolvable disinfo about many things. Covid figures everyone on the right uses to claim a 99.6% survival rate are based on a claim that declares pneumonia and heart attacks caused by respiratory infection(covid) as a pre-existing condition and excludes them from the death total arbitrarily on the basis they are somehow unrelated.

Who do you think is served by this disinfo? It just creates an unresolvable gap between common people and people on our side who have been convinced to willfully or unwittingly misinterpret data for their own benefit which fails because it's fucking obvious and makes us all look sketchy and incompetent and when you bring up real info about the vaccine being untrustworthy that same common public distrusts US because our allies are blatant disinfo merchants.

Our enemies used the decapitation of our intelligentsia after 8chan went down to push Q and used this selfish mob of fools to embarrass discredit and disarm us of our single greatest weapon, cold hard truth.

The Q hoax is political AIDS.

[–] 1 pt 4y

What if the fact-checker disagrees, though?

[–] 0 pt 4y

Uh yeah, nah. It’s saying don’t beat your head against a brick wall trying to convince people - especially sheep, cause they are not logical or capable of critical thought.