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[–] 7 pts 4y

It may not have been intentional: draft boards selected strong, hardworking men.

Pansies and effeminate men were held out.

A correlation of even a few percent could account for a lot.

[–] 1 pt 4y

They just assigned them differently. Short guys got put on submarines. Skinny guys got put on planes and ships. If their number was up they still got sent to war

[–] 0 pt 4y (edited 4y)

It seems less like the war eliminated men with conservative beliefs, and more like the period of peace and prosperity that followed made people more amenable to an expanded welfare state. Also, the biggest components of that welfare state are popular among Republicans and Democrats. There was/is definitely a factor of baby boomers being a huge voting block that protects Social Security and Medicare from cuts. But the main thing that's been driving their insolvency is not expansion of benefits; it's the longer lifespans -- of course going hand in hand with increased real medical costs as a share of GDP.