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In combat, the three things you want to deny the enemy is the ability to shoot, move and communicate. Also, pay no attention to the fact that the Demonrats want to ban your guns, have you on lock-down so you can't leave your house, and are shutting down all non-communist controlled means of communication.

In combat, the three things you want to deny the enemy is the ability to shoot, move and communicate. Also, pay no attention to the fact that the Demonrats want to ban your guns, have you on lock-down so you can't leave your house, and are shutting down all non-communist controlled means of communication.

(post is archived)

[–] 4 pts 4y

Almost like somebody knew in advance.

[–] 2 pts 4y


I dont know any pro photographers, but if I was fearing for my life Id leave my camera behind.

[–] 3 pts 4y

Journalistic photographers are always in the capitol and they also go into literal war zones for photos. It’s literally their job to document intense moments