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[–] [deleted] 0 pt 4y

But don't many people here say they are against race mixing? What if someone from a different race wants the same scenery? like a white wife, with mixed children? Why their wishes are not respected?

[–] 1 pt 4y

Everything is reduced to one question. How does this affect my people.

I could not care less what happens to anyone else. This is why ethnofacism/ ethnonationalism is the ONLY way by which a people may be preserved. They should do the same.

[–] [deleted] 0 pt 4y

Ethnonationalism is an outdated term, especially in this time when people are ambitious to colonize extra-terrestrial planets. We should more focus on preserving humans as whole than worrying about individual ethnic groups. Ethnic groups, nations come and go, but if something happened to humans, then we can't bring us back again.

[–] 1 pt 4y

>especially in this time when people are ambitious to colonize extra-terrestrial planets.

A pipe dream that you've been force fed since the cradle. The intersection of population gain and technological advancement needed to move that population is an impossibility. Keep living that pipe dream for the less than 0.000000000001% of the population that would ever get to colonize. What say you to the remaining 99.9999999999% of the Human populace? White populace?

You've never bothered to consider the actual mathematics behind any net effect any colony program could produce. Go live out your pipe dream. I'll focus on the 99.9999999% of reality.

[–] -1 pt 4y

Agree. This is the future of now. The more people realize this, the faster we can attain space colonization and a true human direction outward.