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[–] 2 pts (edited )

Fuck, you're stupid. You might as well call me a kike for recognizing that Muslims are the enemy of Protestants.

Let's look at the Catholic problem, huh? Michael Moore, Kavanaugh, Dorsey, faggot priests, Martin Scorsese, the mafia...

How about the Hart-Celler Act, for Christ's sake? A fucking Catholic and a fucking Jew teaming up to fuck Protestants. It's a tale centuries old. Ffs... Look at the SCOTUS. Jews and Catholics working together, TODAY, to fuck America. Or how about the pill? That's another Catholic contribution to the death of America.

Look at how Catholic behavior. Their first loyalty is to their church and the Vatican.

Papists, ie, Catholics, have NEVER been friends to Protestants you ignorant fuck.

Catholics fucking despise America because America is Protestant. Catholics have been waging war on England since Henry the 8th because England turned its back on the Vatican.

Yeah... But I'm a fucking Jew according to you because I recognize the fact that the enemy of my enemy is also my enemy.

I'm a fucking Jew because I have noticed that government, tech, Hollywood, and the 1% are all Catholics and Jews.

[–] 0 pt

I have known a lot of Catholics in my time. Never have found one loyal to the vatican

[–] 0 pt

No more brother wars kike!

[–] 0 pt

It's the Catholics who are undermining my Protestant country. It's the Catholics siding with the Jews, you mouthbreather.

There's no denying the evidence.

[–] 0 pt

No ones buying your religious wars kike. We know your race.

[–] 0 pt

One of the main reasons that Canada didn't join the other colonies to form up the US was an anti-Catholic speech made by John Jay.

[–] 0 pt

Well, duh. Canada is a Catholic country. Why do you think they are the way they are?

[–] 0 pt

Canada isn't a country. It's a jewish corporation. As is the US. If you'd argue from reality you may not look like such a fucking kike.

[–] 0 pt

Look at the kike spreading division among whites. Go kike go!

[–] 1 pt

My argument is a factual one based on history as well as current events.

The Jews could claim I'm anti-white because I point out their bullshit too.

My argument is based on facts.

Address the behavior of Catholics. Catholics are indistinguishable from Jews in their attacks on my country. Catholics have been attacking Protestants for centuries. This is an indisputable fact. We Protestants left, and the Catholics followed us and have been undermining our country since day one.

Look up any commie piece of shit in the public eye, and if they aren't Jewish, chances are they are Catholic.

But no. The Papists are just as scared shitless as the Jews that they be recognized for the enemies that they are. The klan understood this.

Call me names, but the proof is there for all to see. It's called the SCOTUS. It's called Hart-Celler. It's called several centuries of history.

[–] 0 pt

Go kike go! Spin your campaign to break up whites. It won't work.

[–] 0 pt

He's right. Catholics want to bring about the end of the world to trigger the apocalypse. Just like jews. They work together for this common goal.

[–] 0 pt

Kike NUMBER 3! Let's count em up boys. How many kikes sowing division are there on poal.

Thanks for all of you identifying yourselves.

[–] 0 pt

Fuck off kike. Catholicism and Christianity are as anti-jew as anything can get.

Nostra Aetate (en.wikipedia.org) - "the first in Catholic HISTORY to focus on the relationship that Catholics have with jews"

[–] 0 pt


So history is wrong and the Catholic church waging war on Protestants and Anglicans is kike propaganda?

None of you fucking morons has yet to address anything factual.

[–] 0 pt

(((you))) want me to believe you meant Donkey in your name then get caught in kikes' #1 goal of attacking Christianity?


Sure thing Moshe.

[–] 0 pt


The Fecal Fixation Of The Chosen Ones (archive.md)

Every single fucking time.

[–] 0 pt

An ass is a donkey, you retarded fuck.