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Don't underestimate the driving force of self-loathing. It produces fear and resentment unlike any other emotion.

Injustice and victimhood are a facade. Deep down it's self-hatred.

Why else so much time, energy, money and emotion directed at subjugating one subset of one race.

The white male alpha is THE lion of the jungle. Absolute top of the food chain. All know it, although not spoken.

An eagle, a crow and a dove are all birds, with beaks, feathers and wings. Yet none would say they are equal. It's obvious to a 4 year old.

The lines being drawn in this war have never been clearer. And even those in our race (betas, cucks, faggots, Karens), are engaged in their own destruction. Yes, we are witnessing a mass extinction event. Our enemies (white self-loathing traitors) are aborting, homo-sexualizing, cucking themselves out of existence.

Should January 21st come and Trump not be in office, we must John Galt our enemies at every possible turn. Digital and social guerillas. Allow our enemies to devour themselves. The minorities the white chucks accept as neighbors will turn on them first. Allow white cucks to be the trip-wire. The speed bump. The focus of hate.

Don't waste any more time "educating" normies (unless you love them). Everyone knows. Obvious. We've all chosen which hill to die on.

John Galt your family out of the cities, off of social media, buy local as much as possible, take care of your tribe, get close to one another, go to a small church, volunteer your time, get lean, strong, lethal, and above all quiet.

Take the Marine Corps, Trump 2020, Magpul, "Come and Take It" stickers off your truck, stop dressing "tacticool", mind your speech. Loose lips sinks ships. You would never conduct an ambush in war with an orange hunting vest. Likewise, go quiet, cool, smooth, underground. Stay frosty.

And wait....

The Lion Speech: Walken on Bitchute (bitchute.com)

Don't underestimate the driving force of self-loathing. It produces fear and resentment unlike any other emotion. Injustice and victimhood are a facade. Deep down it's self-hatred. Why else so much time, energy, money and emotion directed at subjugating one subset of one race. The white male alpha is THE lion of the jungle. Absolute top of the food chain. All know it, although not spoken. An eagle, a crow and a dove are all birds, with beaks, feathers and wings. Yet none would say they are equal. It's obvious to a 4 year old. The lines being drawn in this war have never been clearer. And even those in our race (betas, cucks, faggots, Karens), are engaged in their own destruction. Yes, we are witnessing a mass extinction event. Our enemies (white self-loathing traitors) are aborting, homo-sexualizing, cucking themselves out of existence. Should January 21st come and Trump not be in office, we must John Galt our enemies at every possible turn. Digital and social guerillas. Allow our enemies to devour themselves. The minorities the white chucks accept as neighbors will turn on them first. Allow white cucks to be the trip-wire. The speed bump. The focus of hate. Don't waste any more time "educating" normies (unless you love them). Everyone knows. Obvious. We've all chosen which hill to die on. John Galt your family out of the cities, off of social media, buy local as much as possible, take care of your tribe, get close to one another, go to a small church, volunteer your time, get lean, strong, lethal, and above all quiet. Take the Marine Corps, Trump 2020, Magpul, "Come and Take It" stickers off your truck, stop dressing "tacticool", mind your speech. Loose lips sinks ships. You would never conduct an ambush in war with an orange hunting vest. Likewise, go quiet, cool, smooth, underground. Stay frosty. And wait.... [The Lion Speech: Walken on Bitchute](https://www.bitchute.com/video/cnIVZjZDl7mf/)

(post is archived)

[–] [deleted] 15 pts

Pretty sure they hate us because we're white though.

[–] [deleted] 4 pts

No doubt. However, their hatred of us is the outward manifestation of their inner hatred toward themselves. Rather than accepting who they are as God made them, they hate both themselves and God for being non-white. Not all minorities hate us or themselves. They are peace with God and the order of things.

Truly are real enemy is NOT the minority anyway. It seems that way. The driving force pushing the minority is white cuck and those posing as whites. Cain and Abel.

[–] [deleted] 2 pts

That may be true with the niggers.

But I'm pretty sure the kikes hate us because they are afraid.

[–] 3 pts

No, just remember how many jewish women cut up their faces to look like white people. OP is right the shame and jealousy must be beyond anything we can imagine.

[–] 0 pt

Yes, the kikes hate whites and attack whites because we're the only ones that can stop them.

[–] 1 pt

"Those posing as whites." Just say jews . . .

[–] 0 pt

Eternal cargo cultists getting frustrated at falling short and wondering why thier wooden plane won't lift

[–] 0 pt

They hate us because they know themselves they can never be like us.

The soyboy faggots and SJWs of the world are allergic to hard work and grit and expect everything to be given to them on a silver platter, and they exploit peoples' good will for nothing more than their own personal gain, and if that doesn't work, threats to others' wellbeing.

If everyone collectively ignored, mocked, or shamed these fuckers, we wouldn't be in this mess we are today. Instead, more and more leeway is being given to these fuckers because some of them have now invaded positions of authority.

It's only a matter of time before it swings back and smashes them in the face.

[–] 1 pt

A lot of them hate themselves because they're white too and they wish they were black

[–] 1 pt

Wishing you were a nigger

I really don't get people, I wish i was whiter.

[–] 0 pt

What’s to hate?

Many themes in movies, stories are based around this kind of chronic jealousy.

more truth. They are panicking. Openly without realizing it. White alphas see it because it's our nature to see what others can't.

The exploiter must demonize the exploited in order to justify it in their minds.

[–] 6 pts (edited )

Can you remember a time from your younger years when you were bird-dogging some particular guy or gal? I mean, you had a crush, and sometimes it felt like there was someone around you that was getting your crush's attention instead of you. Maybe your rival was more handsome (or prettier), or whatever context you happened to be in socially made them the hot dog for whatever reason. All you know is that you weren't the hot dog at that moment, and you suddenly wished that your rival just wouldn't have been around. Yes, how great this moment could be if that person just wasn't fucking here right now.

Now make that about races and societies, and your crush is prosperity itself.

The key thing to realize is that, if not for your rival, the context may not have existed. Let's make this more concrete. You're a dork at a party, and you're angry that the cheerleader (who looked at you a little longer than normal last Friday in the cafeteria) is now doting all over the captain of the football team.

You wish he just wasn't around, because that might give you a chance. But you're forgetting that there wouldn't be a party without him. Were all of these people coming to your party, after all?

[–] [deleted] 3 pts

Had to read it twice, but I get it. It's like that movie, "A day without a Mexican". How about a movie, "A day without a White". Can our enemies ever imagine that? Pure horror show.

[–] 0 pt

SJWs and soyboy faggots are in those shoes, but then they exploit and threaten others if they don't get precisely what they want, without any self-work done.

[–] 2 pts

They hate us cause they anus.

[–] 2 pts

Look at how effectively the deep state demoralized us all with this psyop. We are all about to go "underground" which really means just try to get between the grooves when the boot of communism comes stomping down. Look how well they quelled our little dissident movement. At this rate they wont even have to subjugate us. We will do it ourselves.

[–] 2 pts

That’s true. I don’t think I’m gonna play the fitting in game. I don’t think I can stomach it.

[–] 1 pt

it's amazing how mask became normal. Do we live with clones? Beginning to wonder.

[+] [deleted] 0 pt
[–] 1 pt


Its like White supremacy, if we are so supreme then by their own confession they see them selves as lessers and they need to get rid of the superior people so their mediocrity can flourish, talentless pieces of trash who think they should run the world is basically what a communist is, look at china they have to cheat and cut corners on everything because they are mediocre trash.

[–] 0 pt

Excellent point and I literally repeated this to myself aloud in order to internalize it

[–] 0 pt

The jews hate you because you are not one of them.

[–] 0 pt (edited )

They always talk about how all the best men died in the wars of the 20th century.

  1. A lot of them had kids.
  2. Many of the strongest survived.
  3. There had to be some that saw the meaninglessness of the wars and dodged the drafts.
  4. Now the weak are being weeded out faster than you can imagine.
  5. A handful of us are worth more than entire nations worth of them.
[–] 0 pt

Well said. They do hate themselves, and they also refuse to live in reality. Ex. 1) voter fraud exists when they want to use it as ammo, but when there's actual evidence of voter fraud, they say it's not possible, 2) their idea of a peaceful protest vs a violent riot, 3) some refuse to deal with the fact that they were born of a specific gender and mutilate themselves to obliterate this fact and forcing everyone around them play pretend by calling them by the opposite pronoun.

I've said for a long time that libs and leftists hate themselves first and everyone around them second. The good news is that most of them love animals. If you come across someone that doesn't like animals, run like hell because they're more dangerous than the Marxist libtards.

[–] 0 pt


(((They))) hate you because you are God's chosen people. Because they are Satan's sons and daughters.

but muh kike printed, published, sold, "translated" bible!!!

Go away.

Revelation 3:9

[–] 0 pt

Rev 3:0

That's this one;

those that say they are Judean but are not

IIRC. Right?

but are of the synagogue of Satan

I don't have it memorized completely. Just nearly.

And here's why the rest do what they do: Romans 1:18-32. Worth reading. None are without excuse.

Now the holy anger of God is disclosed from Heaven against the godlessness and evil of those men who render truth dumb and inoperative by their wickedness. It is not that they do not know the truth about God; indeed he has made it quite plain to them. For since the beginning of the world the invisible attributes of God, e.g. his eternal power and divinity, have been plainly discernible through things which he has made and which are commonly seen and known, thus leaving these men without a rag of excuse. They knew all the time that there is a God, yet they refused to acknowledge him as such, or to thank him for what he is or does. Thus they became fatuous in their argumentations, and plunged their silly minds still further into the dark.

Behind a facade of “wisdom” they became just fools, fools who would exchange the glory of the eternal God for an imitation image of a mortal man, or of creatures that run or fly or crawl.

They gave up God: and therefore God gave them up—to be the playthings of their own foul desires in dishonouring their own bodies.

The fearful consequence of deliberate atheism

These men deliberately forfeited the truth of God and accepted a lie, paying homage and giving service to the creature instead of to the Creator, who alone is worthy to be worshipped for ever and ever, amen. God therefore handed them over to disgraceful passions. Their women exchanged the normal practices of sexual intercourse for something which is abnormal and unnatural. Similarly the men, turning from natural intercourse with women, were swept into lustful passions for one another. Men with men performed these shameful horrors, receiving, of course, in their own personalities the consequences of sexual perversity.

Moreover, since they considered themselves too high and mighty to acknowledge God, he allowed them to become the slaves of their degenerate minds, and to perform unmentionable deeds. They became filled with wickedness, rottenness, greed and malice; their minds became steeped in envy, murder, quarrelsomeness, deceitfulness and spite. They became whisperers-behind-doors, stabbers-in-the-back, God-haters; they overflowed with insolent pride and boastfulness, and their minds teemed with diabolical invention. They scoffed at duty to parents, they mocked at learning, recognised no obligations of honour, lost all natural affection, and had no use for mercy. More than this—being well aware of God’s pronouncement that all who do these things deserve to die, they not only continued their own practices, but did not hesitate to give their thorough approval to others who did the same.

[–] 0 pt

I choose myself and I choose my God. Time for him to get stuck in!

[–] 0 pt

Other sexualities and minorities are available. I am a minority of One.

Where are my Gibs?

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