Would you mind sharing a little more about your experience? I'm genuinely curious.
Once in awhile you meet a based Mexican. You never ever meet a based white.
Just had this experience this morning, with some random Puerto Rican.
This is what is epically tragic.
I work with a semi-based Puerto Rican.
Even when the civil war starts, he said he'd rather be here.
Targeted advertisement is really delivering the right subversion to the right demographics.
Thank you for sharing.
I haven't grown up in an area or situation that is close to what you have described, but I still feel a lot of anger at what has been going on. Getting a glimpse into what it was like for you (and the other person you mention), even though you put it into words, I can't imagine exactly what that must be like. Hope you can get something figured out to get away from all of it before things really hit the fan.
Are you a drummer from Fresno, CA?
No keep guessing though
Beautifully tragic.
Fellow musician here...there are almost no based musicians...almost all are pansy candy-ass liberal fuckwad homos.
I'm over here explaining to my roommate. See this guy says hey I'm a fellow musician. But his initial comment is FAGGOT!
(post is archived)