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[–] [deleted] 1 pt (edited )

I think it was allowed. Encouraged even.

They had plenty of notice about today's event and everyone knew Pence would cuck. There are also supposed Antifa posters going back to before Nov talking about dressing up as Trump supports and doing the agent provocateur thing.

The Elites and their pets the Bolshevik Left already have a green light to do what they want. Today's events now mean the traitors on the Right can have narrative cover to fall in line with the plans to genocide conservative, white, and anti-globalists citizens.

There will be camps within the year. Of course they will be COVID isolation camps and not "work" camps because that is so 20th century. But it will also give ZOG narrative cover to kill people without having to take any blame in the future. Why starve them out (Ukraine) or cook up some story about gas chambers when you can just kill them through malicious medical practices and vaccines.

"We did every thing we could for those people but the pandemic was just too much for us."

I'm really starting to think we can't win this but we can perhaps avoid complete destruction of whites and whatever allies we have only by punishing every attempt to vaccine or ship us off to camps. We will certainly lose individually but if we impose dramatic damage on them every time they try they will at least have to change tactics and maybe they will just determine that they have control of everything that matters and thus its just not worth the effort to completely exterminate.

[–] 1 pt

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8J2bsjd-_cY looks like they were let in to me

[–] 0 pt

I thought that the first 5 minutes. Setup

[–] 0 pt

The country collapses once they round up the “whites” who’ll do the work or pay taxes? Leftists and minorities? what size do you want you mud hut sir.

Boston Dynamics will be providing the labor.

I'm not saying its viable. I'm saying that's what our overlords are thinking.

[–] 0 pt

Maybe in 30 years, you can’t even get a self driving car that doesn’t crash or a phone battery that doesn’t die in less then a day. Imagine the power consumption for one of their bot things and how often they fuck up.

Google has to have their test cars unmarked since the slightest things puts them into “safety mode” and people would pretend to swerve or step on their brakes to make it lock up.