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[–] [deleted] 0 pt (edited )

This. Degeneracy is pretty inherently materialistic and consumeristic on some level (fags, proportionately, actually spend a ton of money in the economy). It's no surprise they'd promote all kinds of degenerate behaviour, because materialism/consumerism is the anti-thesis to things like traditionalism, nationalism, spirituality, etc (all things that oppose globalism).

[–] 0 pt

Fags typically serve no useful purpose in society. Im not saying they can’t and Im not saying they should die. Im saying they can’t reproduce, they can’t be trusted with children, they make bad soldiers and bad workers. They make good artists and fashion designers and actors, but you can’t eat any of those things and they are often sources of subversion.

For some reason, I have noticed, someone who is gay is highly likely to be aberrant in multiple other ways. Could there be a biological explanation for this? I don’t know. They are usually extremely promiscuous. They are often in to bizarre kinks and paraphelias, S&M, furries, porn, cross dressing, prostitution, pedophilia. Whatever. They never just break one rule of sexual behavior. They are very rarely just totally normal people who happen to have anal sex with a single partner. And they’re highly neurotic as well.

It’s a riddle to me because I think much of this can be explained neurologically even if we don’t have the full picture yet. Not all fags but many have a neurological predisposition for homo. Imo. But why are they prone to so many other behavioral problems?

Fags typically serve no useful purpose in society. Im not saying they can’t and Im not saying they should die. Im saying they can’t reproduce, they can’t be trusted with children, they make bad soldiers and bad workers. They make good artists and fashion designers and actors, but you can’t eat any of those things and they are often sources of subversion.

Exactly, they're hedonistic consumers.

For some reason, I have noticed, someone who is gay is highly likely to be aberrant in multiple other ways. Could there be a biological explanation for this? I don’t know. They are usually extremely promiscuous. They are often in to bizarre kinks and paraphelias, S&M, furries, porn, cross dressing, prostitution, pedophilia. Whatever. They never just break one rule of sexual behavior. They are very rarely just totally normal people who happen to have anal sex with a single partner. And they’re highly neurotic as well.

I'm not sure the exact cause either, but maybe it's that they're so unable to derive higher meaning from pretty much anything else in life, that they resort to extremely vapid and over the top hedonism. Again, it all falls back to materialism/consumerism, which is something the globalist elites love. People that are able to do the things you mentioned above (work honest jobs, save, raise kids, etc) are probably way less likely to be mindless consumers, or globalists.

It’s a riddle to me because I think much of this can be explained neurologically even if we don’t have the full picture yet. Not all fags but many have a neurological predisposition for homo. Imo. But why are they prone to so many other behavioral problems?

Well, homosexuality is pretty strongly correlated to things like childhood sexual abuse and other fucked up shit. Probably all goes hand in hand. Then you have the "globohomo" agenda; jews/corporations/whoever pushing alternative lifestyles and weird kinky bullshit like gay pride parades and other nonsense. Purely "natural" homosexuality is probably pretty rare, and also pretty tame compared to the clownshow we see in modern cities.

[–] 0 pt

Correlation is not causation and I think we have to be caution about self reported victimhood from a group of people well known to be histrionic.

Its not like I think there couldn’t be a link or that homo is sometimes causes by this early “sexual learning” but its just too simplistic to say molestation leads to homo or homos are all made by molesters.

I believe there are prob multiple causes or factors involved in creating a homosexual. There are probably multiple types of homos imo.

I think “natural” homos , people with a strong predisposition, are at least 50% of homos. Of course they are trying to encourage everyone to have a homo experience regardless of whether they really want to or not by associating it with prestige and sophistication. Same as they did before with pre-marital sex and drugs.