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[–] 26 pts

To summarize: "Jews want you dead, your wife and children raped and murdered, and they think it's funny."

[–] 3 pts

yes, you need to summarize that anon post. Yours at least is straight to the point. I like it.

[–] 2 pts (edited )

Wow, how funny, I feel the same way!

Just swap "Jews" with "I", and

"your wife and children" with "their wives and children".

Edit: Also thanks for the summary, catbox doesn't load on the work computers.

[–] 12 pts (edited )

Don't waste your time going after degenerates. They are all painted as underdogs and victims so going after them always make you the bad guy, and makes everything you represent bad by association. Whether this claim has any truth to it or not doesn't make a difference. If you buy this argument then simply reverse the attack by finding a way to push tranny shit on young jews. Create a Jewish Pride organization that goes around and ensures that jewish schools and synagogues are gay friendly. Use their own propaganda to attack them if they resist.

[–] [deleted] 5 pts

No, the media turns them into underdogs, if we actually fought back, organized and killed everyone responsible, the general public is just fine with hanging every degenerate.

The key thing is we need to actually organize and fight back.

[–] 0 pt

Sure, let's hang out and work on something. Where do you live?

I'll start working on a way to organize without posting my address on the internet to strangers.

Much more likely a communist will kill you than a government agent will care.

[–] 0 pt

Look how they 'sympathize' with niggers: because they get violent when they are opposed to something. Whites swallow it when they don't like it, they pose no danger at all to the elite or establishment.

Then that's the problem because making them endangered is the only thing that works

[–] [deleted] -1 pt

Good joke, glow in the dark cia nigger

And that's why we are a defeated, conquered people in our own countries.

[–] [deleted] 3 pts

I don't know about american syynagogues, but Israel is already super gay.


Tel Aviv has frequently been referred to by publishers as one of the most gay-friendly cities in the world,[2] famous for its annual Pride parade and gay beach,[3] earning it the nickname "the gay capital of the Middle East"

Tel Aviv Pride is one of the largest pride parades in the world.

[–] 2 pts

It's pretty much how I envision the lead-up to biblical punishment.

lol i think you just debunked the entire jew conspiracy in a single sentence, the degeneracy is pushed by the Propaganda firm of Corporations to invent "trends" to profit off, it isn't Jews that are the problem. Read the book "Propaganda" by Edward Bernays.

Replace defined culture that has clear motives and is easily identifiable with nameless, faceless, nebulous thing that can't be directly targeted in any meaningful way besides something autistic like "DeStRoY cApItAlIsM!"

Whatever you say, faggot.

[–] 0 pt

sshhh... don't make things complicated for the smoothbrains here

[–] 0 pt

This argument isn't bought it's pushed without purchase... I pretty much agree however.

[–] [deleted] 10 pts

They push gay and trannyshit to give midwit NEETs a cause to "crusade" for, and to make them feel validated and important while simultaneously ensuring they don't actually accomplish anything.

[–] [deleted] 2 pts

They "they" you are talking about are the "middle management" of the subversion process. Sure, for them it's about feeling validated and important. For the actual enemy (a cabal of global elites, the CCP, a few more global actors) the reason is exactly what the OP has stated.

[–] 6 pts

It's a shame he doesn't name the occupiers.

Pro tip: jews.

[–] 6 pts

ZOG: Zionist Occupation Government

[–] 5 pts

A good way to put it. Thanks for the post, I hadn't seen it before.

[–] 4 pts


>wall of text

>doesn't name the jew

checks out

[–] 2 pts

Once they got control of your money it was all down hill from there. Andrew Jackson, one of the only based Democrat presidents ever killed people in duels to stop a central banking system from setting up shop in the first place.

[–] 1 pt

One of the most underrated Presidents. If you're ever in Middle Tennessee it's worth it to go to the Hermitage.


[–] 2 pts

It's satanic ritual. They debase themselves to gain power to debase us.

[–] 2 pts

It hurts my brain to read that, but it hurts even more to know it is true

[–] 1 pt

Interesting theory.

I tend to think that this behavior is not usually intentionally planned to humiliate.

Its tempting to think that a cat that plays with a mouse before it kills it is being a sadistic dick. Maybe it is?

But if a species evolves as a predator or a parasite to exploit another population, it serves that species to weaken the defenses of the target population because a strong host can better defend itself.

Societies with strong cultures and morals are more difficult to exploit. A society that effectively deals with exploiters is not a comfy place for these people. Every rule is a thing to be undermined. That is a behavior that serves them well and I think it is INNATE

[–] 0 pt

That is a behavior that serves them well and I think it is INNATE

Definitely at the genetic level. My term for it is kikeopathy.

[–] -1 pt

Its not pathological any more than its a pathology for a cat to kill a mouse. We are dealing with a predator— prey model.

[–] 0 pt

Um, more like parasite - host but were not far apart. We can kill the parasite if we recognize it. Were not prey to them. But point taken.

[–] [deleted] 0 pt (edited )

This. Degeneracy is pretty inherently materialistic and consumeristic on some level (fags, proportionately, actually spend a ton of money in the economy). It's no surprise they'd promote all kinds of degenerate behaviour, because materialism/consumerism is the anti-thesis to things like traditionalism, nationalism, spirituality, etc (all things that oppose globalism).

[–] 0 pt

Fags typically serve no useful purpose in society. Im not saying they can’t and Im not saying they should die. Im saying they can’t reproduce, they can’t be trusted with children, they make bad soldiers and bad workers. They make good artists and fashion designers and actors, but you can’t eat any of those things and they are often sources of subversion.

For some reason, I have noticed, someone who is gay is highly likely to be aberrant in multiple other ways. Could there be a biological explanation for this? I don’t know. They are usually extremely promiscuous. They are often in to bizarre kinks and paraphelias, S&M, furries, porn, cross dressing, prostitution, pedophilia. Whatever. They never just break one rule of sexual behavior. They are very rarely just totally normal people who happen to have anal sex with a single partner. And they’re highly neurotic as well.

It’s a riddle to me because I think much of this can be explained neurologically even if we don’t have the full picture yet. Not all fags but many have a neurological predisposition for homo. Imo. But why are they prone to so many other behavioral problems?

Fags typically serve no useful purpose in society. Im not saying they can’t and Im not saying they should die. Im saying they can’t reproduce, they can’t be trusted with children, they make bad soldiers and bad workers. They make good artists and fashion designers and actors, but you can’t eat any of those things and they are often sources of subversion.

Exactly, they're hedonistic consumers.

For some reason, I have noticed, someone who is gay is highly likely to be aberrant in multiple other ways. Could there be a biological explanation for this? I don’t know. They are usually extremely promiscuous. They are often in to bizarre kinks and paraphelias, S&M, furries, porn, cross dressing, prostitution, pedophilia. Whatever. They never just break one rule of sexual behavior. They are very rarely just totally normal people who happen to have anal sex with a single partner. And they’re highly neurotic as well.

I'm not sure the exact cause either, but maybe it's that they're so unable to derive higher meaning from pretty much anything else in life, that they resort to extremely vapid and over the top hedonism. Again, it all falls back to materialism/consumerism, which is something the globalist elites love. People that are able to do the things you mentioned above (work honest jobs, save, raise kids, etc) are probably way less likely to be mindless consumers, or globalists.

It’s a riddle to me because I think much of this can be explained neurologically even if we don’t have the full picture yet. Not all fags but many have a neurological predisposition for homo. Imo. But why are they prone to so many other behavioral problems?

Well, homosexuality is pretty strongly correlated to things like childhood sexual abuse and other fucked up shit. Probably all goes hand in hand. Then you have the "globohomo" agenda; jews/corporations/whoever pushing alternative lifestyles and weird kinky bullshit like gay pride parades and other nonsense. Purely "natural" homosexuality is probably pretty rare, and also pretty tame compared to the clownshow we see in modern cities.

[–] 0 pt

thats a good point, but then again these are the people that started to shit inside palestinian homes, when they realised that just smashing everything up wasnt hurting their feelings enough.

in the end its probably both at the same time - the parasite hates it's host after all.

[–] 2 pts

They shriek as they strike out. Anyone defending themselves is attacking them. But then they drink their own bathwater. They believe their own press. They really think they are the biggest victims around. Talk to one. They 100% believe that shit.

It is not required for the cat to recognize it is a fucking asshole. If the mouse bites him, I bet that cat feels sorry for its self and thinks all mice are really anti-cat. Empathizing with the mouse does not make for a good cat.

[–] 0 pt

Anyone defending themselves is attacking them.

yeh true. parasite/host behaviour i would say. defending yourself is cutting off their supply.

see i dont disagree with any of any of what you've said there, but i wouldnt call their understanding of how to hurt your feelings "empathy" either though. theyre narcissists, and really its just a case of the narc being so hyper aware of things like micro expressions and the like, that they pick up along the way, exactly how to hurt you.

they tend to throw everything at the wall and see what sticks, because as we know, they dont really have the capacity for creativity. but once they see that something stings, they most defiinitely derive a sick pleasure from inflicting that suffering as often as they can. they want to make us feel what they feel, they want to make you loathe yourself as much as they do.

so youre right its definitely innate - but i think its clear at that same level they derive pleasure from humiliating the host organism. its both

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