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[+] [deleted] 12 pts
[–] 7 pts (edited )

Reparations? Africans slaves were compensated for their work. African slaves in the antebellum South got cradle to grave free room and board, free medical care, free clothes and sundries, free religious education, a safe, secure environment, and protections under the law. They ate better food and worked fewer hours per year than any Free White laborer in the North and they got something those whites never got: a guaranteed, easy retirement, hanging out on the plantation and fishing for catfish. Skilled slaves like blacksmiths and bricklayers received wages and many bought their own freedom. House slaves with wealthy masters dressed better and lived better than poor Southern Whites.
We don't even have get into the untold tens of Trillions of dollars in direct and indirect wealth transfers starting with the Freedman's Bureau which put the negroes on the dole in 1865.

By the way, the Freedman's Bureau and all the other welfare and uplift programs for blacks were all Republican projects until the 1930's when FDR and the Democrats took over that scam. That is why blacks initially voted Republican and then switched to Democrats in the 30's. They vote for who ever is handing out the cash.

[–] 2 pts

Thems some good points you're makin.

[–] 4 pts

Please directly link to stonetoss.


[–] 2 pts

I'll think about it, probably should.

[–] 2 pts

There are like 4 websites in which I'm okay with referral linking and giving my direct link to (rather than archive or rehost). stonetoss is one.

[–] 1 pt

What are the others?

[–] 3 pts

I'm all for playing the reparations game. They get it right after we deduct all the money spent on welfare so far.

So their "reparations" would be invoices for services rendered.

[–] [deleted] 2 pts

Black people need to pay for the innovations and inventions my ancestors created.

We can start with the wheel. Say 1 trillion dollars

[–] 0 pt

English language.

[–] 0 pt

They already got reparations. The right to keep living in the United States after they were freed. If Chokeslamming Honest Abe had his way they would of been sent back to Africa like he wanted to do after the war.