I dont think its strictly genetic...like cancer, one can have a genetic propensity, or you can take in a huge dose of radiation. I definitely agree environment can have an impact, as well as molestation. But I don't think that accounts for 100% of fags.
"I dont think its strictly genetic"
It's not. There is no gay or trans gene whatsoever. The largest research ever purposely tested trannies and faggots, still came up with nothing. It's been two news now and nobody, even faggot activists haven't been able to debunk it. Biology wins, FATALITY.
" I definitely agree environment can have an impact, as well as molestation"
Exactly what the research I just linked too came to the conclusion also. So much butt hurt in the truth that people who don't grow up around faggots or child molesters, don't turn out gay or the thought crosses their mind once. Imagine that...
They can't find a gay gene, but they could find a covid virus on a burnt up corpse. I have little faith in science these days. So you are saying 100% of gay people are raped? Because if it was completely environmental, and had nothing to do with genes, then why wouldn't other people who are ingesting the same chemicals turn gay? Perhaps because some people have a propensity to react to those chemicals? That sounds like it would be on a genetic level.
I never was molested and I never knew any gay people growing or really what being gay was. Why am I gay? I just realized I was only attracted to men when I hit adolescence. It's never been an issue in my life or a source of trauma or dysfunction.
All these "theories" are stupid. Gay people come from all backgrounds. Most people who were molested grow up to be heterosexual.
Thanks for sharing...takes some balls to admit that on here.
"I never was molested and I never knew any gay people growing or really what being gay was. Why am I gay?"
Tell us which country you grew up in. I'm betting it's a country that allowed you to be exposed to gay media correct? You know what that's called when it's purposely made to not mention anything negative about the gay community at all? Propaganda.
" I just realized I was only attracted to men when I hit adolescence."
Let me guess, it was a older man that "showed you the way" too right? Because if that happened? Sorry bro, you got groomed and molested. He wasn't showing you anything. He was just getting off with a minor and glad he didn't get caught. That's it.
"All these "theories" are stupid"
Not "theory." Facts. Big difference. We've come into contact with people from isolated area's of the world who have been cut off from all of global society entirely for hundreds of years that have no clue whatsoever about gays. Imagine that. It's like the people who make said propaganda know its purposely divisive by nature and do so in hopes to make a society that is divisive which makes them easier to rule if their too busy fighting with each other. I mean it's only happened pretty much our entire existence as humans...
Do you think it had to do with chemicals or hormones you were subjected to the in womb? Do you think the water/products/food/air had anything to do with it? What about media or ideas you were exposed to as a child? What do you think is the cause? Also is it at all possible you were molested and you pushed those thoughts down? Did you ever experiment with older boys as a child and that's why you're gay? Are you white?
Most gays are faggots and you can't actually talk straight to them, thanks for sharing.
(post is archived)