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[–] 0 pt

"I'm saying if there is a source of poison that everyone is in contact with, why isnt everyone being infected?"

Do you know the story I'm talking about? Alex Jones pointed to research that went into see how the pesticide effected all the living creatures in the said waterways where it was illegally dumped. This isn't a "woulda should coulda" argument whatsoever. If everyone drank from the water they would be effected exactly the same as the rest of the animals, because they would get poisoned, effect their bodies natural chemical balance which is not healthy whatsoever.

No one's going to drink from a poisoned water supply. Stop trying to argue that people would either. Stop being retarded and acknowledge that the poisoned water lead to the direct cause of the animals problems too. Stop trying to pretend being gay is natural too when animals had to get poisoned into becoming gay too.

"Why isnt everyone around the gay person themselves turning gay?"

(Majority of surveyed gay men admitted they were molested before becoming gay) It's a real mystery...Not really. Especially when the majority of pedophiles arrested identify as a member of the gay community too...

"Why would just one child in a family turn out gay, when all of the family was in contact with the same stimuli?"

Because that one child was told by his groomer "Don't tell your family what we did or they'll get really angry at you! What we have is special! You don't want to ruin that now don't you?" Classic groomer technique. Let the child carry the guilt that you are raping them.

[–] [deleted] 0 pt (edited )

I'm not sure I can make this more clear for you, because you apparently cant comprehend what I am saying. I know all about the gay frogs and tranny lizards...I get that. I never once fucking said that poisoned water doesnt lead to being poisoned you fucking retard. Now read what I am about to say slowly so it will make some sense to you. Whatever it is you believe is infecting people to turn them gay (I'm not saying that's not happening) Why are the other people who are exposed to these EXACT SAME POISONS not turning gay?

If you cant answer that one question, there is no point to continue wasting my time with you.....I'll repeat it again just in case you were too dumb to get it the first time.


[–] 0 pt

"Whatever it is you believe is infecting people to turn them gay (I'm not saying that's not happening) Why are the other people who are exposed to these EXACT SAME POISONS not turning gay?"

Hey retard. I didn't say you, me or anyone drinking said water turns you gay. I just pointed out the actual results of the research. If you'd read it like you claimed you did (you didn't) you'd see the majority of the wild life was effected, thus they were able to come that conclusion. No one has disputed that research either. You are wasting your time on a discussion that's already over. The poisoned water turned everything exposed to it gay. The end. None of the animals "made a choice" or were "born that way." They were poisoned which effected their chemical balances in their bodies which mutated them. Period. You have no counter argument to those points or ever will.

"Why are the other people who are exposed to these EXACT SAME POISONS not turning gay?"

What people retard? They didn't do human experiments or be allowed to do so because they'd be admitting to murdering people since the pesticide that's mention IS FATAL FOR PEOPLE TO CONSUME. You are beyond retarded if you didn't figure that out by now.

"If you cant answer that one question"

Ah yes the "what about this scenario that isn't recorded or can be done" question which you know is bullshit? That's a argument technique called "moving the goal post" when you can't admit you are wrong or accept the answer so you try to divert the argument in another direction. Not going to work. Why can't you accept the results? Is it a harsh reality check that the environment you grew up in made you who you are? That it wasn't biological at all? Welcome to reality.


Show us research where they were allowed to test the water on people. Till then, you have no argument. You lose.

You're the one saying the chemicals turn them gay. Why do you claim this and then say no research has been done on people? I never lose

One thing I'd like to add...your last paragraph proves you are retarded. I didnt even realize how retarded until I reread it. It doesnt even make sense. The one child who turned out gay didnt tell his family and that's the only reason his family didnt turn out gay?? That doesnt even make sense. How many drugs are you on?

[–] 0 pt

"The one child who turned out gay didnt tell his family and that's the only reason his family didnt turn out gay??"

I said the one child was molested and then threatened by their groomer into not telling their family about said grooming because they feared what their groomer was telling them was true. That's the answer the majority of the gay community give when they tell about when they got molested. It fucked with their heads into believing their gay because they were told what was happening to them was normal by their rapist. It isn't, they were just raped, abused and became broken people after that. Also the majority of child molesters that have been caught identify as apart of the gay community and admitted they were molested before too, what a coincidence...

Of course you wouldn't get it because you don't know about children or their development whatsoever. Children when growing up the first thing they learn is to appeal to a older/higher figure around them. Children who get groomed get threatened that other older/higher figure they look up too will get mad and punish THEM as a result which terrifies them. It's very easy to lie, manipulate children into believing what you want. You just have to be an older figure they will look up to you by default. Muslims get kids to blow themselves up, publicly execute people all the time which they don't object too or don't see as abnormal because "All the older people told me it was OK to do so."

To summarize. No one is born a faggot. There is no biological evidence whatsoever, environment was the determining factor when we met people from civilizations that don't have influence from our environment at all, have no ideas about faggotry whatsoever. The end.