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[–] 8 pts 4y

For those that don't know why faggots exist I'll break it down for you. Faggots are the product of abuse. Males get molested by an older male and become a faggot, females get molested by or abused by an older male and basically reject men. I'll even go so far as to say that lesbians only exist due to their anti-male principles.

There are other problems with homosexuality that are never discussed, homosexual males make up the largest group of pedophiles and lesbians have the highest rates of domestic abuse. The simple fact is homosexuals are at the the very least damaged individuals and their interactions with children should be barred.

But why is homosexuality pushed you might ask. Jews have a high rate of molesting children in general, they know their abusive behavior towards children causes homosexuality. Did you see that P added to "LGBT"? Yeah, that's faggot child fucking jews doing that. The slippery slope isn't a fallacy, it's fucking real.

[–] 1 pt 4y

Well as a social worker I can tell you its also shitty parenting. Not just abuse. Often its a weak, cucked and/or rejecting, disinterested father, and an overly controlling mother. The boy identifies with mom as "the strong one" and loses his masculinity.

[–] 1 pt 4y

are there any male faggots or female dikes that are born from good nuclear families with zero abuse/neglect?

[–] 0 pt 4y

I highly doubt it. If that claim is put forward I'd be highly suspicious that the person in question wasn't abused in some way. A genetic study was done and the conclusion was there is no gay gene, homosexuality is the product of nurture not nature.

[–] 0 pt 4y

Depends on what you mean about "good nuclear families". I mean, much of this isn't scientific (because they won't research it), but even if there's no overt abuse, you can usually find the reason. The mostly "good" family (in social work/psychology known as "good enough" parenting), where there's two sons: one's the athlete, all-star, coordinated, etc., and one is not. Which one does dad pay more attention to, and give more esteem to? If the other one feels rejected by dad, sometimes that one ends up gay. But not always.

[–] 0 pt 4y

Yes but that contradicts his narrative so he'll dismiss the outliers. It's easier to live life with a simplified viewpoint because constantly challenging yourself is draining and disorienting.

[–] 0 pt 4y

How many times are a nigger or a jew involved in the shit you deal with? I'm guessing you've never even kept track of that, start to keep track and be amazed.

[–] 1 pt 4y

I live in an area of California with very few blacks, to be honest, so that's hard to say. I will say that Los Angeles social services, not far from us, is a complete mess, and they of course do. Actually, something really interesting race-wise I can tell you, a fact that makes folks I tell it uncomfortable: When I was finishing my masters degree, I had an internship with county social services, the traditional "social worker" job that most people think of. As I was learning about the different abuse situations that my field supervisor encountered on the day to day, I noticed that she didn't have a single sexual abuse case on her caseload. I found that odd, and asked about it. She said that the sexual abuse cases always have to go to the Spanish-speaking social workers, because the majority are from Spanish-speaking families. Excuse me, whaaaat? Haha, that was a 🤯 moment for this young social worker. All the stats that are unfit to print!

[–] 0 pt 4y

not all molested kids turn out gay and not all kids with shitty parents make bad parents. It may be an exception, but i know some folks with real crap upbringings who are putting everything into 'breaking the cycle' and raising kids with the love & support they never had. they seem to be doing a decent job.

[–] 0 pt 4y

Your first statement is correct and I never said anything to the contrary. Same with your second statement. You're confusing homosexuality with shitty parenting, homosexuals are automatically shitty parents, heterosexual parents are not, but kids do have a chance to break free from shitty parents.

[–] 1 pt 4y

yes - i understand you weren't equating the 2 and sorry if my wording implied that i thought you were. i just wanted to put it out there for others reading that there is hope if you were raised in an abusive household.

[–] 0 pt 4y

are there any male faggots or female dikes that are born from good nuclear families with zero abuse?