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America, you have lost the culture war to people with an average IQ of 85. And your White daughters love them.

Tell me how you are #winning?

America, you have lost the culture war to people with an average IQ of 85. And your White daughters love them. Tell me how you are #winning?

(post is archived)

[–] [deleted] 18 pts

Had a gym bro blasting nigger music in the gym today. I told him to turn that shit off. When he didn't I played my music over his and the bitch left.

I'm a gym rat but this guy was a douche. Had puny little legs and jacked upper body. He was like a potato on toothpicks

[–] 18 pts

I hate anyone thats even the slightest bit white that listens to nigger music. Nigger music is more appalling than the abomination which is pop music masquerading as country.

[–] 0 pt

pop music masquerading as country.

You mean like this? (youtube.com)

[–] 0 pt

It's funny because the only times I ever listen to rap is rap made by whites. It's probably because the lyrics are actually meaningful instead of: "fuck bitches, weed cocaine heroin, dolla dolla bills, pussy, ass, nigga, yuuuh, yeeeh, uhhhh, monkey noises" The entire reason monkey rap is popular is entirely because of the radio stations/malls/etc blasting it 24/7. When you hear nigger music over and over again, your brain will release dopamine because you've heard that song before. That's why kike songs are boiled down to a sine wave instrumental and repetitive lyrics.

[–] 4 pts

What's leg day ?

[–] [deleted] 8 pts

It was hilarious. He brought in his overly made up girlfriend and she just sat there quiet, not even watching him while he lifted. His pants were tighter than hers. I guess he can fuck his mirror after he's done with his workout.

I wouldn't even care about loud music if it wasn't nigger shit. Still it's rude as fuck to blast music in a private gym

[–] [deleted] 11 pts

I was filling gas tonight and the empty car at the next pump had the thimp-thimp shit going. Stupid nigger has bad credit so he was paying with cash. Where's another nigger to steal that car when you want to see it?

I have nigger fatigue. The only thing that makes me forget about it, is reading posts about jews.

[–] 8 pts

Low iq species blast their nigger tier music to show everyone how 'hard' they are with the latest nigger beat.

[–] -2 pt

Wow, you're so cool. You showed him. You're probably much stronger than him too.

That's what your mom said about you

[–] -1 pt

Seriously, tell us more about how cool and brave you were