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[–] 13 pts

Fun fact: The Star of David is a lie. It appears nowhere in the talmud, but its name is meant to deceive goys into believing it's related somehow to King David (it isn't).

What is referenced in the talmud, however, is the Star of Remphan. Look it up.

Remphan is one of Satan's many names.

[–] 9 pts

True, I never could find evidence for the whole King David thing. I came to the same conclusions as you.

[–] 8 pts

Absolutely. Synagogue of satan. They jew star means as above, so below. It is the 2d representation of the 3d mercaba.

[–] 4 pts (edited )

Yes, exactly. The Kazarians hide behind Judaism. The black nobility bloodlines don’t believe in sheeple religions.


Vampires too are a front for something far more terrifying.

See: Order of the Dragon.

[–] 1 pt

so is anybody not hiding behind judaism?

[–] 1 pt

Thanks for sharing that. Impaling gentiles is almost ritualistic for jews. I wonder if thats how they killed the Russian nobility. Wouldnt be supprised.

[–] 4 pts

Yea, ye took up the tabernacle of Moloch, and the star of your god Remphan, figures which ye made to worship them

When they heard these things, they were cut to the heart, and they gnashed on him with their teeth.

Stephen called them out in the open and they cried out in pain as they tore at him with their teeth and stoned him. Nothing has changed.

[–] 2 pts

Also represents Saturn. Saturn has a hexagon in its atmosphere Saturn Cult and Black Cube Religion

[–] [deleted] 10 pts

They literally bite baby penises off and suck the blood.

[–] 6 pts

For this alone they deserve to be skinned alive.

[–] 6 pts

Copied from the "Joy of Satan" forum:

>Jewish Vampires The Witchcraft Of The Jews

>The Jewish race has been well known and document to engage in the ritual murder of animals and humans. As part of the ritual murders of humans the Jews by their own confession and the evidence of the victims. Drain the blood from the body of the human victim usually a Gentile child who is hung upon a cross and then stabbed many times the blood is drained from each wound and then the Jews drink this blood and also dip a special kind of bread into the blood and eat this. Jews have been documented to suffer aliments the symptoms of such only are found amongst cannibals in the South Pacific which is from the effects of cannibalism. The Jews are ordered in their Torah to use five types of animals for ritual murder one of the animals is cattle. The Jews call Gentiles Goyim meaning cattle.

>The writings of the Jewish Rabbi's will inform a person as to why they drink the blood. The writings of Etz Hayim or the "Tree of Life" states that within the blood is the energy of the Nefesh or the soul of the individual. The Jews engage in the drinking of the blood as a form of literal vampirism. This is also why the Jews use blood in general with the animal ritual murders they engage they are using the collective death energies and the soul energy of such humans and animals. They are drinking the soul of the victim to increase their spiritual forces.

>The ritual murder of the child upon the cross the drinking of the blood and eating of the bread. This is sympathetic magic meaning forming a connection in Kabbalah to tie into the Christian communion ritual the reason is the Christian communion is a deliberate mock up ritual murder including the drinking of the blood and eating of the bread. This ties in by psychic forces of the mass unconscious mind engaging in the communion ritual into connecting into the energy of the actual ritual murders being done the same way by the Jews thus giving more power to the energy being raised during the actual ritual murders. The Jews wrote the Bible and created the Christian Church to bring about their global Kingdom by political ideology and occult magic.


[+] [deleted] 4 pts
[–] 3 pts

Be Jewish, sin all year, find a small animal to transfer your sins to and procede to torture it to death. Rip it flesh off with your bare hands and smash its skull into the pavement.

Kapparot ritual (static.timesofisrael.com)

Resume sinning.

[–] [deleted] 2 pts

It's exactly how monsters are depicted in many works of fiction.

[–] 2 pts

How could they eat goyim we're not kosher

[–] 1 pt

Maybe Soul Juice is automatically kosher.

[–] 4 pts

They couldn't stand it when General Mills brought out a special Count Chocula cereal in 1987. The box had Bela Lugosi's pic straight from the film:



[–] 0 pt

shoulda been shaped like foreskins

[–] 4 pts

I’ll have to find the images but the oldest illustrated versions of Hansel and Gretel are clearly depicting a Jewish witch, even her house has a Star of David on it. What’s really odd is how honest Hollywood was in their latest depiction of Hansel and Gretel (called Gretel and Hansel). I watched it looking for clues they’d leave pointing to the witch being Jewish, I didn’t have to look hard, she had a tattoo of a star of David on her body, and her wall inside of the house also had a Star of David on it.

[–] 0 pt

It would be great if you could find that. Perhaps the film was produced by Disney. When Walt was in charge, the films were based as he was aware of the tiny hats.

[–] [deleted] 1 pt (edited )

Disney has only produced around 50 films or so during walts lifetime and I don't remember there ever being a Hansel and Gretel disney movie. Wait nvm I looked it up and it may be called "Babes in the Woods" 1932

[–] 2 pts

Those "who proclaim 'Peace!', while they bite with their teeth" Micah 3:5

[–] 1 pt

Matthew 27:24-25 - When Pilate saw he could prevail nothing, but a tulmut was made, he took water and washed his hands in front of the multitude, saying, 'I am innocent of the blood of this just man: see ye to it.' Then answered all the people, and said, 'His blood be upon us and our children!'

Blood libels because bloodlust of the innocent is hardwired into their nature. Matzo, anyone?

[–] 1 pt

Wow. Completely makes sense, but feel a lil mind blown. Thanks for sharing.

Witches too

and money grubbing goblins