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I don't care if masks work or not.

If you want to change someone's mind, keep it really simple, and to one point.

Don't argue about masks, don't bother making arguments about vaccines, just simply state that the disease is not very deadly, and has a mortality rate of 3 people out of 10,000 if you are under 50 years of age.

It doesn't matter whether masks work or not

It doesn't matter whether the vaccine is safe or dangerous.

What matters is that the disease itself is basically a non-issue to start with.

I don't care if masks work or not. If you want to change someone's mind, keep it really simple, and to one point. Don't argue about masks, don't bother making arguments about vaccines, just simply state that the disease is not very deadly, and has a mortality rate of 3 people out of 10,000 if you are under 50 years of age. It doesn't matter whether masks work or not It doesn't matter whether the vaccine is safe or dangerous. What matters is that the disease itself is basically a non-issue to start with.

(post is archived)

[–] 23 pts

I would go a step further:

We've had a full year now where this issue has been top of mind, all the time. Everyone has had a shot at seeking out the relevant details of the Covid and everyone has had people talk to them about why Covid is a hoax.

Anyone who's going to come to the right conclusions already has. And anyone who's not never will.

Therefore, you should not argue with anyone and instead just listen. If they agree, let them know you're on the same page. If they are in the other camp, just don't even bother trying to persuade them. The relationship may still be useful later in some limited capacity.

[–] [deleted] 16 pts

I find the most persuasive arguments don't introduce new facts but rely on the facts the person already has in their possession.

It's the subtle redpilling that works. Saying that jews run the media and put niggers in commercials will turn most people off. Instead you might casually mention that you're noticing a lot of commercials with blacks or mixed race couples.

[–] 11 pts


I red pilled a guy on the Covid hoax by drawing parallels to the 9/11 terrorist hoax. He understood the 9/11 reaction to be bullshit, and building on that, I was able to show him that Covid is the same kind of scam.

[–] 5 pts

Yeah, but as far as covid? I think at this point anyone who doesn't understand is a totally lost cause. Maybe time will prove me wrong.

[–] [deleted] 2 pts

Maybe you aren't an office water cooler faggot drone, but lots are. All they hear is COVID on the radio at breakfast and COVID in the car on the way to work and COVID in the elevator and COVID at lunch. It's disgusting.

[–] 1 pt

The major point I am trying to bring up is that I did not win best Creative Story last year in the Frosties.

[–] 1 pt

But what facts about the covid hoax do the normies already know?

[–] [deleted] 6 pts

They know the hypocrisy of the government. First we are told that masks don't work. Then we're told that masks are mandatory. Now we're being told that masks don't work again.

15 days to flatten the curve turned into 9 months and counting.

People aren't falling dead on the street despite this supposedly being one of the worst pandemics in history. Do they know a single person that had it or died from it?

[–] 0 pt

"Why 'dem white bitches always trying to dilute pure black men's seed?"

[–] 4 pts

Doomer much?

If retards can be convinced by the other side, why can't we convince them?

[–] 7 pts


Because... they're retarded?

Also we are competing with a monstrous hypnosis machine. Do you have a monstrous hypnosis machine?

[–] 2 pts

They are retarded.

Thats why we should be optimistic about being able to convince them.

[–] 3 pts

Correction: If they are in the wrong camp, ENCOURAGE THEM TO GET THE VACCINE. That way there will be less of them.

A girl I know has been trying to conceive for years. Extreme virtue signaller. Her face mask matches her leggings kind of girl. She just posted pictures of herself getting the vaccine. ⚰ xd

[–] 0 pt


[–] 1 pt

We need to use the weapons we have available...

[–] 2 pts

Truthfully, I feel a bit more hopeful that people will wake up. Unlike last year, this time we have data. People are so emotionally and financially fatigued that they're starting to think about it. Many of my normie associates are beginning to talk.

It's true that you will never be able to convince people who aren't ready or willing.
It would be a good idea for us to make ourselves available and supportive of anybody questioning. We should not argue with people who indulge in propaganda, I think it makes them sink their heels down further.

[–] 0 pt

It would be a good idea for us to make ourselves available and supportive of anybody questioning. We should not argue with people who indulge in propaganda, I think it makes them sink their heels down further.

I agree. Glad you're feeling hopeful and I hope you're right about the wake up.

[–] 2 pts

I don’t agree with that assertion. You can always change people’s minds. That’s just quitter talk.

[–] 2 pts

I like your attitude, but I'm dubious. Some portion of people go with the consensus and are uncomfortable entertaining any idea that contradicts it. They inhabit both right and left-wing circles, from what I've seen. Maybe there's a reason it's like this, such as you can't have 100% free-thinking individuals and social cohesion at the same time? Maybe it's genetic?

You're right about not giving up. But recognizing the challenges for what they are is an important part of advancing.

[–] 2 pts

Yes some people want to be controlled no matter how illogical the demands are. It's sadly not possible to save the majority of them. If a ship was sinking and the captain ordered them not board lifeboats but rather stay put and drown, they'll do just that.

[–] 2 pts

Did the jews give up when they were trying to convince everybody that faggotry was great? They were like hell no, let’s destroy christianity and brain wash all the kids through porn and public education. Now we have a month long holiday for asshole sex. Take a lesson from that.

I don’t agree with OP. This is a serious disease. Ive known people that died of it. Its not that serious if you’re under 50. If you’re 60 or older it’s quite serious, and I am not okay with dismissing the deaths of our elderly who are dying years before their time. Ive researched the disease. Ive researched other similar viruses. Ive researched a bunch of drugs and treatments for covid.

Guess what? There’s a cure. The deaths are real. They’re unnecessary. The quaratine measures are a sham to exploit the crisis. They have cheap safe treatments and preventative medications.

I keep telling people there’s a cure. I don’t care if liberals die. I don’t wants decent white people to though. Occassionally I change people’s minds. I also get a lot of flack. 3....2.....1....

I'm starting to think it must be genetic. Generations of simps and weak fsggots who care what others think of them and try to toe the line.

[–] 1 pt

explain jews then.

[–] 1 pt

What’s to explain. They just try to brainwash each other and other people 24/7. They never stop. It’s like breathing. We have truth on our side. Don’t give up trying to brainwash people toward your pov.

[–] 1 pt

Everyone has had a shot at seeking out the relevant details of the Covid and everyone has had people talk to them about why Covid is a hoax.

I fear you underestimate how controlled the information bubble is for normies. Left wing city slickers have likely never heard anything but straw man arguments against covid policy. Some of them can be persuaded by good rhetoric. I like to ask people if they would trust a condom made out of their mask material. If corona was a tennis ball, a sperm cell would be a car.

[–] 0 pt

Possible. Actually normally I'd agree on this. But when it comes to this particular topic, it's like the only thing everyone has been talking about 24/7. Even city slickers have been reached, I feel. The reason it sounds like they haven't is because every time you give them some "new" information, they get uncomfortable and find some way either not to hear it or forget it.

[–] 12 pts

If somebody tells you that they know someone who has died from Covid, tell them how many people you know who have died from obesity related illnesses, such as heart disease, cancer, and diabetes.

They certainly kill more people a year. We should tackle obesity first, it killed both my grandmothers.

[–] 5 pts

certainly kill more people a year. We should tackle obesity first

I’ve gone down this road. The next beat in this conversation heads right into masks/social distancing. “You can’t catch obesity (or heart disease or diabetes or cancer) from being in the same room as a fatty.”

But fatties do make me sick..

[–] 2 pts

Congratulations, NY Times just added you to the confirmed case database

[–] 1 pt

Maybe you aren't very good at convincing people.

[–] 1 pt

It doesn’t always happen in real time, because many people are slow. But perhaps the demographics (cnet2.cbsistatic.com) in my area as compared to yours contribute to cognizance of the weakness in this disease comparison.

[–] 0 pt (edited )

You can if they concernfag about others' eating habits and make you feel like shit because you choose not to gorge yourself on food.

The concernfaggery about "Are you anorexic?" or "Are you dieting? You don't need to be dieting, you're skinny as fuck" when you eat a normal human-sized portion instead of enough food to last a week in one sitting, is quite bluntly just sad.

[–] 0 pt

Whoa. This must be the woman experience. Lol

[–] 0 pt

“You can’t catch obesity (or heart disease or diabetes or cancer) from being in the same room as a fatty.”

How could they know that for certain? Also, no one knows how covid is spread, the "science" changes by the day.

It might even be possible to spin it as the obesity crisis and the covid crisis are one and the same as microplastics can be linked to obesity, science presently claims that covid can live far longer on a microplastic particle than it can in even a water droplet, and microplastics are known to be circulated throughout the world by wind and rain. As a bonus, my experience has been that those on the left/"low-info" types are already conditioned to opposition towards microplastics

[–] 0 pt

How do people know they won’t catch or spread obesity/diabetes/cancer/heart disease by breathing it in? Is this what you’re asking?


Smoking kills more than covid. This isn't about our health.

If other people can tell me to wear a mask because of a slim chance I might contribute to their death, I should be able to tell fat people to stop eating because their obesity is definitely contributing to their death.

[–] 0 pt

Add drug overdoses

[–] 0 pt

Not to mention alcoholism, obesity, and consumerism

[–] [deleted] 2 pts

Google yearly deaths from medical mistakes.. staggering.

[–] 0 pt

Covid culture is certainly accelerating alcoholism, obesity, and drug use. If your local police department is like mine, they're open with this information, and everyone has seen that the liquor stores are "Essential Businesses" when most else is shuttered.

So the facts are out there in the mind of the general public to argue a "the cure for covid is worse than the disease" line.

[–] 0 pt

>We should tackle obesity first

Does obesity have a pill that costs 60 cents, that will cure obesity within a week? Is ther a cure for obesity that you can buy off amazon that will work in 48hrs?

Lets work on the the diseases we have a cheap easy cure for that will save a quarter million people in 1 year.

Nobody has to wear a mask. You can go to football games or whatever.

You can stop pretending covid doesn’t exist. Because there is a cure.

Can you hear me yet?

[–] 0 pt

There is a pill for obesity, and in fact it works immediately - it's called PUT DOWN THE FORK.

[–] 0 pt

It takes longer than a week to work and its a difficult therapy to stick with for some.

Curing covid is EASY. 10 or 15 dollars worth of meds and supplements. Done in a week. Done! Let’s start with the diseases we can cure with $10 in a week.

[–] 10 pts

The "VIRUS" appeared magically. Right about the time something really crazy big was being uncovered...what was it again?...My NPC 2-second attention span will not allow me to remember...Something about a STEIN...maybe an EpSTEIN or WeinSTEIN was it? Oh i forget.

Thinking is hard.

[–] 5 pts

Yea, things in America. But remember Brexit. French Yellowjackets. Greece. Italy. Hong Kong. Even Wuhan.

Easter was shut down worldwide by the glow-baal-ists.


[–] 1 pt

fauci said on camera before trumps inaugration that 'the incoming president will face a pandemic'

you cannot predict a pandemic.

everyone on this planet was told what was coming. it happened.


[–] 0 pt

no, fuck off, do your own homework. its irrelevant to me what you believe. Just make sure you have bags packed for when your friends and neighbours realise whos telling what to who and why.

[–] 1 pt

Also, the Hong Kong protests. Remember that shit?? Shortly after that the corona reports were coming out of wuhan and soon "spread" across asia and in Hong Kong they were arresting people who were outside.

[–] 5 pts

While I agree with you about masks and the deadliness of the cold bug, it is a pointless exercise to argue that as well. Anyone firmly convinced the government should tell us what to do, and should be trusted, also knows someone elderly or immuno-compromised and will simply shift the discussion to how it is deadly for some and so masks must be worn by all.

[–] 1 pt

I'm sure you know someone elderly and immuno-comprimised as well.

Someone who doesn't have much time left.

Someone who is going to die anyway.

Someone who doesn't give a shit if they live another two months after Christmas,

Because they wanted to see their great grandchildren one more time before they died.

[–] 1 pt

i might. but i have no sympathy.

if theyre fucking retarded enoguh to believe everything the tv tells them and not look anything up for themselves they are part of the issue that allows cops to beat the fuck out of pregnant women because they refuse to give themselves chest infections.

[–] 0 pt

if they're fucking retarded enough to believe everything the TV tells them

That means that we are failing at combating the TV.

We are somehow more retarded than the TV.

That is our failure, not theirs.

[–] 5 pts

We were warned not to let the cure be worse than the disease. And here we are, tons of people in emotional depression, doing drugs, drinking, unemployed, unable to pay rent/mortgage, having problems feeding themselves. And for what? To protect the weakest members of society? The ones that weigh 400+ pounds and have never taken care of their health before this?

The biggest red pill I've had on Wuhan Flu is having blatantly unhealthy people tell me to put on my mask. No, fuck you. I don't drink, smoke, do any drugs. I eat fairly healthy. COVID isn't shit to me, maybe it'll be like a bad cold (I already think I had it already and it wasn't bad). I'm tired of suffering because a bunch of unhealthy people have chosen to be lazy and unhealthy. There's a lot of fatties out there who think if everyone wears a mask that they'll be safe. I gradually came to hate them.

[–] 0 pt

I don't smoke unless I drink.

And I don't drink if I can go to AA meetings and go to the gym.

But somehow, the Gym, and AA meetings are both illegal in my city.

But if I wanted to go to the Casino...

That is essential.

There are two kinds of people: the people who want the world to change so they could be happy and the people who want to change themselves so they could be happy.

[–] [deleted] 4 pts

Decriminalization of HIV transmission. Arrests for walking without a mask. Open insanity. No one cares.

[–] 2 pts

No faggots care about transmission.

Disease doesn't matter.

Only politics matter.

[–] 3 pts

I agree. They don’t care if the masks work. It’s a symbol of piety.

[–] 1 pt

Social tracing for hiv carriers.

[–] 4 pts

But that toddler w/ cancer died as expected after contracting it!!!!!

I think I heard of a dog who died of covid, allegedly.

[–] 4 pts

"But...but, you're going to kill grandma!"

She had it coming anyway.

[–] 6 pts

Fucking processed sugar killed my grandmother.

[–] 4 pts

To be fair, no one forced her to ingest globs of sugar. Whereas I am being forced to wear a stupid mask and pretend the virus is dangerous.

[–] 1 pt

I made that bitch a bunch of Christmas cookies. She

[–] 3 pts

but covid 2021 is coming!

[–] 3 pts

It's a chest-centric flu. Big fuckin deal.

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