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There are quite a lot of accounts that do this. The problem being: this isn't a spoken conversation. Words aren't lost in the ether. They're sitting on a hard drive in @PMYB2's mom's house.

e: And the JIDF swung into this thread quickly to circle-jerk that I was being mean or antagonizing or some such retardation. Apparently calling someone out on their moving the goal posts is antagonizing.

There are quite a lot of accounts that do this. The problem being: this isn't a spoken conversation. Words aren't lost in the ether. They're sitting on a hard drive in @PMYB2's mom's house. e: And the JIDF swung into this thread quickly to circle-jerk that I was being mean or antagonizing or some such retardation. Apparently calling someone out on their moving the goal posts is antagonizing.

(post is archived)

[–] 0 pt

Their people don’t come first. Their billions come first. They treat their own people like shit and foreigners worse. They were isolated from the west culturally so the Han chauvinism comes naturally. But that will change. CCP is just using Han nationalism as a way to stay in power.

They are in bed with jewish money. They are as gullible as any goy. They are not stupid but they are not great critical thinkers. The jews colonized china with communism. They founded the CCP. Theyv’e got their hooks in China again with capitalism.

Are you aware of how obsessed Chinese are with jewish culture and jewish success. There are thousands of books printed in china about how to succeed like a jew. They are already being conditioned. There is a ton of pro-jewish propaganda in mainland china.

The importation of africans has begun in earnest in Guangzhong. Race mixing is being encouraged.

Chinese expats returning from their overseas service bring back the same infection that’s fucking us. They are on liberal American and European campuses. Some of them are insulated dicks but many want to be everybody’s friend. Them chickens gonna come home to roost.

[–] 1 pt

I guess time will tell won’t it? I’m not saying they are perfect or even good. I’m saying I want a fascist state for whites where we come first. China was injected with capital to become the factory of the first world. Now they are starting to become first world themselves. You’re blinded by liberalism I think. At the end of the day the Chinese at this rate will exist and whites will not. I only like them because they are anti ZOG. I hate ZOG.

[–] 1 pt

@BurnInHelena @Nukeisrael

Thank you for this thread.

[–] 1 pt

She’s still a capitalist. Old people are always capitalists.

The importation of africans has begun in earnest in Guangzhong. Race mixing is being encouraged.

Lol, mega-doubt.