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There are quite a lot of accounts that do this. The problem being: this isn't a spoken conversation. Words aren't lost in the ether. They're sitting on a hard drive in @PMYB2's mom's house.

e: And the JIDF swung into this thread quickly to circle-jerk that I was being mean or antagonizing or some such retardation. Apparently calling someone out on their moving the goal posts is antagonizing.

There are quite a lot of accounts that do this. The problem being: this isn't a spoken conversation. Words aren't lost in the ether. They're sitting on a hard drive in @PMYB2's mom's house. e: And the JIDF swung into this thread quickly to circle-jerk that I was being mean or antagonizing or some such retardation. Apparently calling someone out on their moving the goal posts is antagonizing.

(post is archived)

[–] 0 pt

Taking stuff out of context is a famous Jewish trick.

Two accounts have nearly identical usernames. They talk exactly the same. - Not a guarantee they're the same person, but very, very likely.

Then when pointing it out, another account comes along and completely fails to discredit the similarities. - Well lets add that to the list of why the accounts have the same user.

You Jews never expected someone to save screenshots like that from Voat, did you?

I just looked and found that I've been holding onto that screenshot since 2018. How many more do you think I have? I'll be saving all others for the most effective impact.

[–] 0 pt

We need adults running this movement, not petty little brats. Im about as jewish as Hitler’s left nut. But carry on with the purity spiral until it’s just you and anticlutch left by yourselves, accusing each other of jewishness to your hearts’ content. Why don’t you just message each other all day since the rest of us are clearly all jews.

[–] 2 pts

If this thread is any evidence it's no wonder the jews are winning. Everyone in here accusing each other of being a kike shill over a tiny disagreement that isn't even important as far as opinions go. You're a (()) No u. No u. While we're busy fighting each other they're opening up another bank.

[–] 0 pt

Why don't you address the screenshot that I posted as proof, instead of your pitiful attempts at attacking the messenger?

>We need adults running this movement

Great. Then what should the adults be doing about the self admitted Jews, and those that are caught using Jewish tactics?

And when I see accounts using Jewish tactics like like attacking the messenger instead of the message, how do I get that info to the adults running this movement?

[–] 0 pt

I did adress your screenshot. Then you called me jewish. Which blew any credibility you might have had in the debate.

You say you are calling out “jewishness”— what you mean is dishonesty, sophistry in argumentation. Manipulation by use of fallacies. They are good at it.

But that is exactly what you and anticlutch have done here. You hurl ad hominems at anyone who disagrees, and anyone who objects to your irrational dishonest arguments gets called a jew too.

This is not honest debate between intelligent logical honest europeans. Your strategy pisses on decent rhetoric. It is childish and ugly and you embarrass yourselves and all of us.

You have branded yourself a liar and manipulator in my book. You couldn’t debate me on the merits. You went to the big “J” argument. You are probably a child (<25) but if not there’s probably no hope of you ever developing any moral fiber as a debater. You argue like a weasel.

[–] 0 pt

I'd also like to add that a typical Jewish tactic is pretending to be White.

If you look at the screenshot I posted earlier, the account claimed to be an "Old white lady". But then in the comments they said, "I'm a Jew".

So when someone claims that they're, "about as jewish as Hitler’s left nut". That may be an indicator that their race/religion is Jewish.

May be. May not be. But it's kind of suspicious that they felt the need to throw that in.......

[–] 0 pt

I know her from voat. She’s not a jew she just hates young women and has retarded views on marriage and reproduction but she isn’t a jew.

[–] 0 pt (edited )

> Maybe if I double down on the jewish accusations I can still win this.

You are humiliating yourself.

You committed yourself to anticlutches bandwagon by defending his flimsy jewish accusation based on some minor exchange. You seem determined to ride it all the way into the ground. Keep goin’