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There are quite a lot of accounts that do this. The problem being: this isn't a spoken conversation. Words aren't lost in the ether. They're sitting on a hard drive in @PMYB2's mom's house.

e: And the JIDF swung into this thread quickly to circle-jerk that I was being mean or antagonizing or some such retardation. Apparently calling someone out on their moving the goal posts is antagonizing.

There are quite a lot of accounts that do this. The problem being: this isn't a spoken conversation. Words aren't lost in the ether. They're sitting on a hard drive in @PMYB2's mom's house. e: And the JIDF swung into this thread quickly to circle-jerk that I was being mean or antagonizing or some such retardation. Apparently calling someone out on their moving the goal posts is antagonizing.

(post is archived)

[–] 3 pts

You can literally see him clearly state;

they can refuse a sale to anyone for any reason

And then state;

Discrimination due to race and a mask are not the same thing

Which I never stated, claimed, or implied. There's an example of pilpul. Claiming the person you're arguing against said something they did not. This is not up for discussion.

The mere fact that you're protecting this kike is quite suspicious.

[–] 1 pt

>The mere fact that you're protecting this kike is quite suspicious.

And there it is folks, anyone that doesn’t see it my way is jewish.

[–] 1 pt

calling something suspicious is calling something a kike

Care to quote where I called him a kike?

Wait. You can't.

That's pilpul and I will call you a kike.

[–] 0 pt

You have worked yourself in to quite a lather haven’t you? Have mom make you a juicebox and some tendies.

He is the one implying you accused him of being a kike. lol

'Suspicious' ≠ 'kike'

[–] 1 pt

Buncha big noses round these parts.

[–] 0 pt

I think a reasonable argument would be to clarify that the first statement should read they can refuse a sale for any lawful reason.

Maybe the counter argument would be that some businesses and institutions effectively deny service to whites like HBCUs, but then the argument follows that why would you want to be in all black areas anyway?

Either way some others are right. Once you start calling people kikes and other names, you're not really engaging in a productive conversation. But yeah what you've shown is goalpost shifting. Just not intentional in my opinion.

[–] 1 pt

they can refuse a sale for any lawful reason.

To which I wouldn't have disagreed and pointed to the federal law that wearing a mask can not be stipulated for service.

Wait... What do we have here (i.ibb.co) seems I did that. And that faggot is the one who kvetched about.

Either way some others are right. Once you start calling people kikes and other names, you're not really engaging in a productive conversation. But yeah what you've shown is goalpost shifting. Just not intentional in my opinion.

I don't give a fuck. This is the internet. If you can't take being called a kike, a nigger, a faggot etc. Then leave.

[–] 0 pt

I did a quick google search and got kike media articles saying its tantamount to the no shirt no shoes no service policies. I couldn't find the federal law you referenced. Care to tell me what law so I can look it up by name? Im genuinely curious about that and less so about who is a kike and who isnt