I'll post it next chance I get.
@Nukeisraelcan tell us why (((he))) remains anonymous in the comment replies to it.
You literally did this to me yesterday you faggot. You accused me of doing something you yourself do which is pushing cuck porn. Kill yourself.
You know, when every one on an entire thread is accusing each other of jewishness, I start to lose hope. We can’t have people endlessly using jewishness as an argument every time they disagree. It becomes meaningless when its over-used like this.
Yeah, it’s what happens when geriatrics invade places for the real right. It’s what I’ve been trying to tell you. It’s funny, the most well read people on the JQ tend to call others jews the least. Want to know the type that just calls anyone they disagree with a “kike shill” the most? It’s the Q types or the trump worshipers. They don’t know anything about the JQ other than MUH BIBLE that is ironically a jewish religion and not white at all. They don’t know what the frankfurt school is, they don’t know anything about the JQ and haven’t read anything or any of the literature. You know this was on purpose right? Ban the moderate right wing people and Qtards from facebook and they naturally migrate to places where the real right exist. What have they learned since being here? Nothing. The string “kike”, not even the meaning behind it. You see this all the time, people were calling you a jew on voat. It’s just lazy. It reminds me of the people who call everything communism on our side. Megacorps do something? It’s communism. Have they read marx? No. It’s just like the shitlibs. Everything is fascism. Have the read about fascism? No. You use the word incorrectly so much that it loses all meaning. I bet nobody on this website bar like 10 people can actually tel me in depth what communism is, what fascism is, what neoliberalism is, what the JQ is without looking anything up. Just straight off the top of their head I bet almost nobody can do it. It’s just lazy shit. Anything I don’t like is jews (they are the main problem and need to all die but just calling fucking anyone who doesn’t agree with you a jew is lazy). Anyone I don’t like is a communist. Anyone I don’t like is a fascist. It’s hilarious seeing some of the titles from voat such as “communist billionaire.” I’m sure the grug brains will downvote this and call me a communist apologist or something for just wanting people to use words correctly but that’s too much. Our movement has both tails of the bell curve but 90% of them are left tail. Shitlibs make up the entire middle of “normal people” even though they are wrong about literally everything.
Tell us who you are, kike.
I am Trevor Gerald Redden from Memphis, Tennessee.
Yeah you doxxed yourself, you’re a moron. I’m nukeisrael from voat.
(post is archived)