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There are quite a lot of accounts that do this. The problem being: this isn't a spoken conversation. Words aren't lost in the ether. They're sitting on a hard drive in @PMYB2's mom's house.

e: And the JIDF swung into this thread quickly to circle-jerk that I was being mean or antagonizing or some such retardation. Apparently calling someone out on their moving the goal posts is antagonizing.

There are quite a lot of accounts that do this. The problem being: this isn't a spoken conversation. Words aren't lost in the ether. They're sitting on a hard drive in @PMYB2's mom's house. e: And the JIDF swung into this thread quickly to circle-jerk that I was being mean or antagonizing or some such retardation. Apparently calling someone out on their moving the goal posts is antagonizing.

(post is archived)

[–] 0 pt

Did marxists ever exist then? The bolsheviks were funded by jewish capitalists.

Jewish billionaires seem to like marxists fine, they fund them and share most of their retarded values on sexual degeneracy.

Most of these marxists/antifa types seem to believe in something genuinely. They are not larping. They may enjoy many un-communist luxuries. But they seem passionate about re-making society. So they are stupid. But are they larpers?

[–] 1 pt

An example of a real marxist would people people who write books. Lots of good critiques of capitalism come from marxist it’s just their solutions are braindead retarded and rely on a complete misunderstand of how human beings work. Yes, neoliberal billionaires like them because they know they are de facto pawns for capitalism. I don’t know if you know this or not but third positionists don’t like capitalism or communism. In the honest sense? Real marxists probably haven’t existed in decades in terms of the average person. There are people who write books critiquing capital that are marxists and it’s a recent phenomenon where this PC culture had bled into and merged with the “left.” You would find a legit marxist as disgusted as conflating him with the modern antifa faggot who likes niggers, minorities and is anti white as I would be disgusted for some shitlib to conflate me with a libertarian, conservative or ancap as being “right wing.” In reality the left-right dichotomy has been bastardized to the point where it doesn’t even mean anything anymore like almost all political words. This is why I’m hellbent on using the correct language so we can actually have a conversation. Nobody knows what anything means anymore. For instance corporatism is a part of fascism. The word has been literally conflated with its exact opposite today to mean crony capitalism. Nobody knows what anything means and it’s on purpose. That’s why I’m anal about the fucking language. But yes as the zeitgeist of the entire world has become more egalitarian meanings change. Stalin for instance would have 99% of people calling themselves “communists” today killed. People who think they are fascists but worship 1950s america are the same on the “right.” Essentially liberalism is the problem. So to answer your question, yes. They used to exist but they have always been useful idiots to help centralize power. Anyone pushing for woke shit is a fake. I think maybe zizek would be the only legit actual leftist I know of from the old left who is anti PC but he’s just a moron who isn’t race realist and doesn’t understand Darwin. Have you actually ever heard marx’s take on niggers? It’s a recent phenomenon that people assume everyone always meant all races when they said “mankind” and shit from documents hundreds of years ago. This happens with the founding fathers too. So yeah true to form marxist do not exist anymore because they are literally just footsoldiers of the establishment in a neoliberal global capitalist system. They are literally useful idiots but not for communism. All form of materialism (putting the distribution of wealth over race, blood and soil) are degenerate and this includes both capitalism and communism. Reject both and join the third position.

[–] 0 pt

I agree we have to have some common definitions for terminology. We have to have a common paradigm for understanding the problem. Not sure if I can really get down with a nazbol one though. I think there is a left right axis, it’s just not the only axis.

But we cant get too complicated because it has to be sold to normies. And we need normies. You are cavalier about alienating and discounting them. We need them. And we can sell them on truth, albeit simplified.

Was the poison seed sown in 1776? You would probably say yes. It may be true. Was Rome’s poison seed sown during the Republic? Maybe but it was an amazing empire for awhile. So were we. You can find the nascent problems of today brewing in the 50s, but it was a lovely decade for many americans. You can’t blame people for wanting better less degenerate times.

You over-romanticize the ccp I think. They are a squad of goons that abuse their own people. They use Han racial propaganda to stay in power. Meanwhile they are the jews of the east. They’ve infiltrated and taken over many other countries. Aside from the obvious like tibet, taiwan, manchuria, they are all over malaysia, indonesia, (singapore? They don’t belong there), and they have their tentacles everywhere, trying to colonize the shit out of everything, africa, south america, even australia, europe, the US. Its as repulsive as what the jews and their globalist institutons are doing. Is that 3P? Fuck that. It will come back on them like it bounced back on us. But it will be too late because they will have ruined the world by then.

[–] 0 pt

Communism is inherently anti imperialist and China is imperialist. In China you get fucked for saying “I hate the Chinese people.” In the west you get fucked for saying “I love white people.” In 200 years the Chinese will exist and whites won’t. It’s time to wake up from the dreamworld you’ve lived in. Say what you want about the chinks but they are the biggest anti ZOG power to exist since the reich. And yes that is a branch of third position. They have billionaires but a corporatist market system. Some billionaire gets caught fucking around outside of the interests of the state? They get reprimanded. The west is a free for all fuck fest of degeneracy. I don’t “romanticize” the Chinese I just see their system as superior to the west. They are playing the game. My people always come first and they are not my people. I believe whites could do the same without as many restrictions as the chinks have, in fact I KNOW we can because it happened. And the entire world had to come together to destroy one ideology multiple times. What happened to gadalfi? Same fucking thing. The forbidden combination of nationalism and socialism is not allowed. They cannot get a foothold in your state if you ban them all and make it so the average person is ironically more autonomous in a fascist system than some hyper atomized hellhole of “diversity” like the current west. Imagine you’re playing a game of civ and want to build rocket ships. Oh no for a while your people don’t have the freedom ideology how bad! Okay I would rather my people survive until hostiles are dead. When you come to the end stage of capitalism you get two choices. Do you want communism or fascism? I pick fascism every single time.