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There are quite a lot of accounts that do this. The problem being: this isn't a spoken conversation. Words aren't lost in the ether. They're sitting on a hard drive in @PMYB2's mom's house.

e: And the JIDF swung into this thread quickly to circle-jerk that I was being mean or antagonizing or some such retardation. Apparently calling someone out on their moving the goal posts is antagonizing.

There are quite a lot of accounts that do this. The problem being: this isn't a spoken conversation. Words aren't lost in the ether. They're sitting on a hard drive in @PMYB2's mom's house. e: And the JIDF swung into this thread quickly to circle-jerk that I was being mean or antagonizing or some such retardation. Apparently calling someone out on their moving the goal posts is antagonizing.

(post is archived)

[–] 2 pts

Holy shit they really are all alike. I had one Jewish friend like 10 years ago. Would call me to hang out on Saturday. Grab some food and lo tomorrow "can you help me move out of my apartment/help me pick up something with your truck/drive me to the car dealership". Fucking wasted all day helping him and he never called for anything else. Eventually just stopped answering the phone. Hanging out with him was worse than going to work.

[–] 2 pts

welp my neighbor will now know that there is a debt and since jews hate being on the other side of usury he will leave us alone for a while thinking ill forget and things will go back to normal.

[–] 1 pt

Anyone who calls you or talks with you only to get you to help them or for them to profit in some way (be it financially or otherwise) and then disappears into the aether until the next time they need helping, is not worth talking to. A friendship is a two way street.

[–] 1 pt

After I discovered this rule, I lost several friends but gained peace of mind. The ones that remain are true friends.

[–] 2 pts

Same here. It's a great rule to live by.

[–] 1 pt

yes me too. my phone was quiet for a while until i found inner peace (not the yoga faggot kind)

[–] 0 pt

And that street is not on the corner of jerusalem blvd or yiddish ave...

[–] 0 pt

nah but close to a place that jews escape from like rats

[–] 0 pt

i had a spick friend like that. fucking user trash but my self esteem was garbage back then so i acted like a cuck and got used until i finally broke free of my bad decisions.

[–] 1 pt

Yeah there was a whole group of us but I don't think anyone hung out with him in the end. I never minded helping my friends but the dude was just a user like you said.

He also fucked another long time friend's girlfriend and eventually married her. Never had the slightest remorse.