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just stop already. don't act like the MSM.

just stop already. don't act like the MSM.

(post is archived)

[–] 14 pts

Block the q subs and your dreams will come true

[–] [deleted] 3 pts

Its not that simple anymore. Their larp runs out the moment Joe Biden is inaugurated and no way in fuck will I allow them any dignity after that day. Not after all the "Boooms, POW!! ZAP!!". No sir. Fuck these zio pieces of shit.

[–] 6 pts

I think POW, ZAP, and even ZOWIE would be a welcome change.

[–] 2 pts

Zowie changed his name to Duncan.

[–] 2 pts

boof! three gorges damn busts

Kek! Pepe is a pede in kekistan, fellow pedes!!!! Kek to you, pede!!! KEK!!!!! FROGPEPEKEK!!!!! RARE PEPE POTUS SPICY TWEET, PEDE!!!!!!! FROG!!!!!!!



Oh shut the fuck up.

[–] 6 pts

They'll sometimes blame the original sauce for the title, but there's nothing stopping them from modifying the title during submission, only Q-boomerism.

[–] [deleted] 2 pts

I actively remove those words from titles of articles that I post. Gateway Pundit is notorious for using those words.

[–] 0 pt

And for jumping the gun. But you got to get eyes on, one way or another.

[–] 4 pts

Those words are like sprinkles on a Hopium post.

[–] 4 pts


[–] [deleted] 4 pts

Add BOOM to that list.

[–] 4 pts

Or: "oVeR tHe tARgET"

Holy shit, yes, how could we forget?!

I also love when you repeat their own mistaken predictions, even link to when and where they said it, and they call you a Chinese bot or a shill, and scurry away.

Nice try, faggots. Notice their numbers are dwindling? Even they can’t keep believing in this bullshit anymore.

[–] 0 pt

I like to think it's all because I called them retards all those dozens of times.

Trump's either going to cross the Rubicon with his deplorables or he's going to spend the rest of his life harassed and humiliated. Vindictive prosecution doesn't even start to cover it.

We don't need to arrest the deep state, we need a slaughter. We will be kinder tyrants than they could ever hope to be, yes?

[–] [deleted] 2 pts

but "boom" is cool to people who listen to rap and watch cuckold porn

[–] 0 pt

HAPPENING and to a lesser degree WINNING can go on the list with it.

[–] 0 pt


[–] 3 pts

Can we add "and there it is" to the list?

[–] 2 pts

Also- So and so DESTROYS so and so...

[–] 0 pt


Fuck, it hurt to write that.

[–] 2 pts

Breaking Bombshell: Experts are reporting that people who make headlines like this are retarded faggots, anonymous sources close to faggots claim.

[–] 2 pts

It instantly identifies the OP for you

[–] 0 pt

OP's cripplingly intense faggotry already does that just fine.

[–] 2 pts

I'm amazed at the hate towards Qanon. I am not a Q person but I consider them an ally and hope they are real if there was no Q what would be happening right now? Would anyone offer any hope against what is going on? All I see is you faggots attacking the one thing actively saying they are at least trying to stop the destruction of America. I post these types of comments and my big questions is why are you so mad what fundamentally is Q doing that is negative? They are not winning against the single greatest threat to human freedom? They are losing to global jew bankers and their puppets in the deep state.

And all you do is shit on them for not winning while doing nothing your self you fucking troll faggots!

[–] 0 pt

I agree, and it seems that so many are so hypocritically quick to bash them that it seems suspect, especially from people who supposedly are here for free speach.

While I tired of the complacency that group seemed to push and the downvoats when questioning, they added news to the site and at least researched some shit to make some interesting connections.

[–] [deleted] 0 pt (edited )

(Sorry - Meant this reply for someone else)

No it’s because we’ve put up with their goddamn bullshit for three fucking years. If you question them you are a communist or a bot or a shill. They started that. Not us.

They turned whatever the damn thing was into a cult and attacked anyone who questioned them. It was very Islamic of them.

Hell, I recognize some of the usernames, half of the people who criticize them now used to be Q anon people. They woke up and got destroyed for asking questions and they are RIGHT to be pissed off.

So no, fuck you.

[–] 0 pt (edited )

The problem I have with Q is that it was never intended to be co-opted by idiotic boomers. When the original posts were on 4chan (and then later on 8chan before all the boomers took hold) it was a thought provoking exercise to make you ask questions and research - similar to a lot of "anon" posts which have been made on the chans in general in the past. I saw these posts and thought they were entertaining, but figured it was likely some sort of psy-op.

Cue a couple of months later and you have copious amounts of boomer faggotry, attention whores seeking to use the "movement" (for lack of a better word) for their own personal gain, and copious amounts of insanity being posted as legitimate - things that would even make the "flat earthers" think they're completely nuts.

I remember talking to someone a few months after it started, a woman in her 60s who acted as if she was some sort of authority on Q stuff - and would "interpret" Q drops for people. I ended up saying to her something like "People don't need your interpretations of shit, it's there right in front of them. How is what you're doing any different from the mainstream media's bullshit?" which was the original ethos of anything relating to "anon-style" posts on the chans, to think for yourself rather than having people telling you what to think (which is what the jewish media want you to follow). Of course, she got pissy at me saying what I did, because it punctured her attention whoring.

[–] 0 pt (edited )

If you were on Voat you would understand. The Q idiots completely ruined it and made the site almost unusable due to constantly spamming fake news hopium articles. They also are more thick headed and belligerent than a fucking SJW, literally refuse to engage with anyone because everyone and everything is a shill.

Name a physical action Q has taken to help liberate the american people. Name one. No, not a fucking forum post about how "iTs hApPeNiNg" I want you to tell is something that Q has *done*

[–] 0 pt

He was on voat he’s just a dumb boomoid who fell for the larp.

The only ones left that are genuine, that aren’t plants trying to continue the fraud, are more than just gullible. I won’t even say they are stupid, that’s what’s so frustrating about this, many of them are patriots and many of them are intelligent. They are just emotionally invested in the fraud at this point. Their ego is tied up in believing this is true. They’ve invested too much, they can’t turn around now, they’ve gone too far. If this whole thing is a LARP, they’ve wasted the last three years of their lives.

Because it’s funny to make fun of dumb fucking retards.

And they are actually hurting our nation by spreading their ridiculous childish bullshit. Do you know how hard it is to get people organized to do something important when half, or what used to be half before they started bleeding numbers, when half of the people you reach out to are waiting around for some stupid fake Internet fairy to execute a plan that these faggots can’t even articulate? I don’t know what makes you think people here are just standing around waiting for things to happen. Some of us are actually in it, every day, trying to influence policy and make changes in the real world, not the magical mystical fairy world.

And those faggots make it harder. The people who are actually out there on the front lines fighting have told you this repeatedly and you just choose not to believe it.

I bet you don’t have a problem with them constantly insulting us and calling us communists for not believing every single stupid theory they put forward. Are you going over there and attacking them for what they say about us? No? Then shut the fuck up.

So there is your answer, and I almost guarantee you will choose not to believe it. They make the fight harder. They put patriots on the sidelines waiting around for bullshit that will never happen. They do that. And furthermore, the shit you’re complaining about? They also do it. So shut the fuck up. You have your answer now go away.

[–] 1 pt

How many at the Trump rallies are Q people? How many going to DC on the 6th are Qanon?

I don't know but it seems like a lot. You getting emotional and personally attacking for no reason and again lumping me I. With the Qanon when I just hope they are real? Who wouldn't want them to be real they are against the deep state (however you define that I think it is a thing) they are against child abuse they are against corruption these things alone are a pretty damn good start.

I honestly don't know who the people fighting against the communist are? Republicans?

I'm not joking give me some of these organizations and I will at the least support them financially and in person if there is a local way I can help.

The front line fight I choose is naming the jew by Naming circumcision.. I send Erik clopper 30 dollars a month to fight Harvard and support his war against circumcision... if you didn't know

   Circumcision is an evil Jewish religious ceremony with absolutely zero medical benefits 

How exactly is Qanon making it harder for these front line warriors you talk about?

Will stop there see what you have to say

[–] 2 pts


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