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[–] [deleted] 24 pts 4y

The past wasn't better for people like him, because degenerate vermin used to actually be killed by the community before they poisoned the well with their mental illness.

[–] 7 pts 4y

now we pedestalise our mentally ill. lets have a parade!

[–] 7 pts 4y

We can all thank the jews for that one. They are the most mentally ill group of creatures out there, they have more than 100 diseases that all affect the brain that's epidemic to just them. It's no wonder they try to make everything that's abnormal, normal because they want everyone to view what is disgusting and degenerate behaviors that's common and normal amongst jews as not just something normal but something to be celebrated. How many jews would be looked down upon and viewed with disgust if homosexuality, transgenderism and all other type of filth that's common amongst jews was viewed the way it was meant to be viewed, something very abhorrent? It would be easier for everyone to see the jews for what they really are, a group of perverted and degenerate conniving bandits thus making resistence against them more likely.

They want to drag us down even further by trying to normalize pedophillia, they are not done yet...

They want non-jews to stoop down to their level in terms of behavior and degneracy because not only does it destroy society as a result but it also makes it easier for them to blend in.

[–] 0 pt 4y


I assmume the route will be in a road with many many many lamp posts?

[–] 0 pt 4y

The lamp posts have to be shaped like dildos though, otherwise you're a bigot

[–] 4 pts 4y

There's really no other solution. Aside from maybe exile. But that just makes them someone else's problem.

They will ever stop trying to get their hands on your children. You can't talk it out of them. They just won't stop.

[–] 0 pt 4y

What you do is you exile them to a place that WILL kill them, like the Middle East. All sodomites and subversives get a one way trip to Arabia! Let them sort eachother out.

[–] 0 pt 4y

Or they would go to great lengths to indulge themselves privately, the social stigma of discovery would greatly limit their ability to actually act out their fantasies. Now you can just grab your phone and find willing partners and if anyone thinks you should not be working with children they are the bad person.