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[–] 2 pts 4y (edited 4y)

I live in the suburbs one side is extremely liberal and this part isn’t as much people still open doors and don’t jump but go anywhere else in the suburbs or the city and it’s nuts.

And businesses are mandated to enforce this shit or they get their licenses revoked.

We have 75% capacity limits, masks, social distancing, bars and restaurants are closed again, take out only. But the big chains seem to be doing well 10pm curfew/stores have to be shut(same with bars when they were open for a couple of months).

But 7-11 and another convenience store chain are open 24/7 along with the major chain restaurants which isn’t fair to the smaller restaurants.

The drive thru lines at mcD’s Burger King, Taco Bell, Jack in the box etc are around the block 24/7 and the ones who used to close at 12am stay open now. It’s nuts. And 80% of those people in those lines are leftists scared to death of covid but they’re letting some minority prepare their food, touch the uncooked toppings, the packaging etc. the employee touches their mask 20 times an hour, then they pull into a parking spot and scarf it down.

[–] 0 pt 4y

That last part about minorities handling and touching food is the best part. I used to be a restuarant manager, most of my duties involved reigning in the Mexican cooks. Filthy mother fuckers. From what I've seen though, the Chinese are the worst of the worst. The horrors I've seen in a Chinese restaurant would make you never eat out again.

I know it's not an across the board standard but cleanest place I've seen are Vietnamese and Mediterranean places.

[–] 1 pt 4y

Leftists are stupid, I haven’t eaten out since the pandemic started for this specific reason. If I’m going to catch it, it’s not going to be from walking into a store maskless like I did for months until it was mandated. It would be from a filthy minority preparing my food. I have elderly parents that I stop by and visit, shop and my girlfriend cooks for them a few nights a week. So while we don’t have to be cautious I don’t want to kill my parents on accident even with 96% survival rate for their age range or whatever the real number is.

Is it real, no idea, do I take it seriously, not really except for a few things like restaurants/bars. But we don’t need a lockdown and mandates. I’d avoid the places that I deem a risk , like we do every flu season on our own while not shuttering businesses or inconveniencing others. As soon as the flu hits here me and my girlfriend stop going out/hanging out with friends on the weekends and don’t eat out. Before covid, they’d always ask when’s your last week and then text weekly to see when we were coming back but they understood why we do it lol. I’d say check the flu report online.

Some stores have a specific day of the week and it’s for a couple hours for old people or at risk to shop without a mask but I believe that’s not allowed with this current lockdown.

I worked in a restaurant for about 6-12 months before leaving for the military(I’m no expert on food service) but we cleaned the shit out of that place after the mexican staff “cleaned” lol. But the owners(white) forgot to order fish one weekend during lent and I was prepping that morning, they told me to use the expired boxes in the walk in.

It was rotten, falling apart and stunk so bad but the owners knew and saw it. Instead of taking it off the menu they said we’ll only offer fried fish this weekend. Instead of cutting it like most weeks I just pulled it apart into strips from the rot, weighed it, hand battered and wrapped it for the cooks to drop. The cooks were told to drop it for an extended time and make it a dark brown coating instead of golden.

I’ve never eaten fish at a restaurant that isn’t a “seafood restaurant” since. I also wouldn’t order a burger at a seafood restaurant.

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[–] 0 pt 4y (edited 4y)

I've seen senior shopping hour daily in one store (1st hr) and two days in other stores (1st hour), but they still have to wear a mask. There's a blood test company (and probably pee test job screening) that advertised a 1st hour of the day time for immune compromised people only , which meant allowing 4 people max in the wait room, and at the same time discouraged walk-ins with long wait times and having to wait in their car for a phone call when there was a rare opening. So what did walk-ins do? They walked in line first thing in the morning and lined up out in the hall to the door, destroying the 'safe' early hour appointments for immune comp'd people who also had to line up to get their turn at the door to explain that they indeed had an appointment and should be let in the waiting room. That made the 1st hour the unsafest hour to have an appointment. It wasn't like that before lock down - aggravated the situation by putting blood test centers employees on lay off due to not as many people seeking testing (not as many going to doctor nor applying for jobs) during lock down.