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If I had no other reason to hate them, this one would be enough.

If I had no other reason to hate them, this one would be enough.

(post is archived)

[–] 16 pts

The looks they give you when you ask them how they are okay with their parents having physical mutilated them when they were infants is priceless.

However, I think it is worse when the children of non-Jewish/Muslim parents are circumcised. Their parents did not do it because of some misguided religious belief. They did it just because their parents did it to them.

[–] 20 pts

Fucking this. I have two boys and am circumcised. I cannot tell you the amount of shit I went through when I wouldn't allow it to be done to them. "He's not gonna look like you." "Girl's don't like it" and so on.

Dinner got real quiet one night when I raged out "Jewsish influence stops at my sons dick. And why the fuck are you so infatuated by it?"

Good times.

[–] 12 pts

Refreshing to hear another anon in the same position. The onus should be on those who mutilate baby dicks not me. I refuse to call it circumcision around anyone who questions my decision. It’s genital mutilation. I’m not going to continue that retarded and barbaric tradition.

[–] 10 pts

I love watching women squirm when I bring up female genital mutilation. Then point out the double standards.

[+] [deleted] 7 pts
[–] 5 pts

"He's not gonna look like you!!!"

Whenever someone says this to me I tell them I'm planning on having reconstructional labia surgery on my infant daughter to make sure she matches me, and they can compare our genitals after, and if they don't match perfectly, I'll have more sliced off her.

"but it's not the same!! Uncircumcised penises are dirty!!!!"

Right because 80% of men just walk around with a dirty filthy penis and cutting a part of it off is the only solution.

[–] 1 pt

The dirty part is because jews are dirty and can't wash themselves

[–] 2 pts

It's amazing how batshit crazy people think that sounds, defending a newborns genitalia, it's so irrational that they think it's normal they can't recognize the hypocrisy in their stance. It's also a psychological hex on newborn souls, they get off at that shit.

[–] 1 pt

Had the same fucking argument with my wife, her family, her "doctors", and literally every one of her friends. After he was born, there were random doctors coming around all the time to allegedly check on the baby, but they were just looking for an excuse to ask if they could remove part of his penis. It was disgusting how they approached it like a high pressure sales pitch.

[–] 14 pts

I tried to convince my coworker to not have his newborn son be circumcised. He thought I was being silly and that it’s a completely benign routine procedure. He’s also an ignoramus. After the procedure he would come in complaining how his son keeps crying nonstop. Mother fucker you had his genitals mutilated! No shit he’s going to cry!

[–] 4 pts

Way back I got a post to the top of Reddit that drew attention to jews sucking freshly cut baby dicks.

I want to find that archive sometime.

[–] 4 pts

Saw that.. it’s just as heinous as I remember. They call it metzitzah b'peh


[+] [deleted] 5 pts
[–] [deleted] 3 pts

I got cirumcised after an infection when i was 10..... HOLY FUCKING SHIT IT HURT, i had to take quarter of the year off school.

[–] 0 pt

Caused by forced earlier foreskin retraction?

[–] 1 pt

Their parents did it because they were fed a load of bullshit about how it's more sanitary by jewish doctors. Zero days without jewish tricks.

[–] 12 pts

From the first century on, Christians took a strong stand against circumcision in the first century. Christians rejected circumcision at the Council at Jerusalem (Acts 15). St. Paul, the apostle to the gentiles, taught parents that they should not circumcise their children (Acts 21:25). In a reference to the old practices of genital mutilation, St. Paul warned Titus to beware of the "circumcision group."

Christians did not circumcise their children until only in modern times when it was “medically” promoted within the last hundred years. The procedure accepted for medical use essentially was the Jewish peri'ah. More will be explained about peri'ah later on. The claim for imposing circumcision was an attempt to prevent masturbation.

The biblical circumcision was much different and far less invasive procedure than the Jewish peri'ah method. The circumcision of Abraham removed only the very tip that extended beyond the glans penis. Moses and his sons were not circumcised. (Exodus 4:25) Although Moses apparently prohibited circumcision during the 40 years in the wilderness, (Joshua 5:5) Joshua reinstituted circumcision at Gilgal after the death of Moses. (Joshua 5:2-10) It is interesting to note that after the Israelites were circumcised, they immediately became soldiers in Joshua's army for the conquest of Palestine. (Joshua 6:1-3). This suggests circumcision was used in the least to differentiate soldiers from the enemy.

In contrast to the Jews, the Greeks and the Romans placed a high value on the prepuce. The Romans passed several laws prohibiting circumcision. The laws were applied to everyone and were not directed against the Jews.

Much later in the Hellenic period, about 140 C.E., the Jewish authorities modified circumcision procedure to make it impossible for a Jew to appear to be an uncircumcised Greek. A radical new procedure called peri'ah was introduced by the priests and rabbis. In this procedure the foreskin was stripped away from the glans, with which it is fused in the infant. In a painful procedure known today as a synechotomy, more foreskin was removed than before and the injury was correspondingly greater. With the introduction of peri'ah, the glans could not easily be recovered, and so no Jewish male would easily be able to appear as an uncircumcised Greek. This radical modified procedure eventually was adopted by the medical profession and is the circumcision operation used today.

In Judaism, several methods of foreskin restoration were devised and practiced (create problem, pay for solution). It may have been at this time that the Pondus Judaeus (also known as Judaeum Pondum), a bronze weight worn by Jews on the residual foreskin to stretch it back into a foreskin, gained popularity amongst Jewish males. This lessened the ugly appearance of the bare exposed circumcised penis. This restorative procedure was known by the Greek word epispasm, or "rolling inward."

The third stage of ritual circumcision, the Messisa or Metzitzah, was not introduced until the Talmudic period (500-625 C.E).In Metzitzah, the mohel (ritual circumciser) sucks blood from the penis of the circumcised infant with his mouth. This procedure has been responsible for the death of many Jewish babies due to infection. The procedure accepted for medical use essentially was the Jewish peri'ah. Moscucci reports that circumcision was imposed in an attempt to prevent masturbation.

The peri'ah brutal procedure is used for circumcision in hospitals today. There's studies that show the severe trauma causes damage to parts of the brain and permanently scars the limbic system, which includes the amygdala and frontal and temporal lobes. Don't ever circumcise your newborns.

[–] 4 pts

Don't ever circumcise your newborns.

No fucking shit.

[–] 2 pts

Makes sense considering all the damn Jewish doctors around.

[–] 0 pt

And now imagine we had six million more pro-circumcisers in society. Wouldn't the consensus be more in favour of infant mutilation?

[–] 9 pts

Being against circumcision was my gateway to redpilling. The double standards involved are layered like an onion.

[–] 5 pts

Yeah it was one of those things for me, too. People just DO it without even looking up the history, the side effects, why... Anything.

[–] 4 pts

Same with vaccines.. any parent who allows the Hep B vaccine at birth is criminally stupid.

[–] 1 pt

You mean my hour old infant doesn't need protection from something transmitted via sex, bodily fluids, or blood? What if they want to have sex or share needles on day one though???

[–] 8 pts

Yeah man. Why did they cut part of my dick off? Wtf?

[–] 5 pts

So they could grind it up and make it into pseudoscientific anti-aging cream for vain old hags.

[–] 1 pt

Old hags like Sandra Bull-fucking-piece-of-shit-tranny Bullocks and Oprah Wincrook.

[–] 0 pt

Because m$ney and pr$fit$$$$.

[–] 8 pts

I 100% agree and if you were on vote you would recognize me by this accurate saying.

 Circumcision is an evil Jewish religious ceremony with absolutely zero medical benefits 

Remember it and if anyone ever tries to tell you medical reasons in person punch them in the fucking face

[–] 0 pt

Doglegwarrior! I've been keeping an eye out for you. Good to see you here

[–] 2 pts

Yep you too I need to keep your name and have you down as the anti circumcision brigade!!! It is insane that it is normalized!

You know it and always remember

 Circumcision is an evil Jewish religious ceremony with absolutely zero medical benefits 
[–] 6 pts

I actually agree with this, it's a barbaric practice left-over from a more primitive age

[–] 0 pt

But then what will you do to keep sucking bloody baby dick, Avi?

[–] 6 pts (edited )

Feel free to visit Intactivism if you're interested. Yeah, mutilating baby dicks is barbaric and ought to be met with (at the very least) long jail sentences.

[Edit] Also, calling it circumcision normalizes it. Male genital mutilation.

[–] 6 pts

Imagine you were going to start an organization. One with the intent of being totally immoral and evil. Lets call it Satanism. You'd need some sort of way to weed out those with a conscience. Those who might have limits to their depravity. So you'd have to harm an innocent in a way that offers no benefit to the perpetrator, but causes irreparable damage to the innocent. I can think of no better indoctrination than mutilating the genitals of a baby.

[–] [deleted] 2 pts

This comment strikes deeply at the root and psychology of the practice. I wish more people thought like you ForgottenMemes.

Edit: saved your comment btw

[–] 5 pts

Cropping dogs' ears = LiTeRaLlY hItLeR Cropping babies' dicks = totally fine

Absolutely retarded. It's so ingrained in American culture, it's hard for people to break free. When I told my husband and my parents I don't want to chop off part of my sons penis I was met with a lot of backlash. I think people have guilt over blindly following something so stupid that they vehemently continue to support it instead of admitting what they did was wrong.

[–] 5 pts

biting little boys dick skin off aint as bad as fucking little boys and girls: Sanhedrin 54b and 55b, and Mishna Niddah 5:4

3 year olds, dude

[–] 4 pts

I didn't look it up, but I think most White countries have stopped doing that except Americans. Socialist medicine just made parents pay for it out of their own pockets so they say no.

That capitalist system makes everything available to everyone.

[–] 4 pts

I think most White countries have stopped doing that except Americans.

No, unfortunately not. I live in a historically white European country. We do not have a large jewish population, but every time the topic of banning male genital mutilation comes up they all come out of the woodwork screaming "antisemitism". They are quickly joined by the muslim migrant population screaming "islamophobia". And so our brave "politicians" acquiesce, as apparently mutilating babies isn't as bad as being called an antisemite or an islamophobe...

By the way, did you know that docking dogs' tails is illegal in most European countries? Dogs have more rights here than baby boys...

[–] 1 pt

This is why so-called minorities are parasitic.

[–] 2 pts (edited )

Well I must live in the Socialist States because I would've had to pay for it but am against circumcision.

Won't rule out the possibility of some nice ((charity)) that would've covered the cost. But why would I let a Rabbi give my kids herpes? I can't wait until the day my boy gets mocked in the locker room. I'm gonna arm him with "atleast I didn't get my dick sucked by a Rabbi. And your fucking parents let him do it!"

[–] 1 pt (edited )

Your definitions of capitalist and socialist are inverted. A socialist state pays for things from tax revenue. Capitalism means the individual pays directly for a service in the market - the state is not part of the transaction.

Take education for example. A socialist education system is when the state runs it and people get it for "free". A capitalist education system would be a free market in education where the individual pays directly for the service.

[–] 1 pt

That's a textbook definition. If you think anyone in the real world obeys the text book definitions to the letter, you would be wrong.

Corporations today are pushing communism very hard. They've been getting tax subsidies up the ass for so long in systems that cal themselves either, why wouldn't they?

[–] 0 pt (edited )

Capitalism means no state involvement in the economy. That's the definition of the word in a textbook or a real world conversation.

Corporations are a legal entity created by the state so companies have limited liability. (If the corporation pollutes a river for example then the individuals who are responsible are not financially liable.) Corporations are not capitalist, despite what the leftists on reddit will tell you. They will erroneously define a capitalist as a greedy money grubber, but in truth it means someone who wants liberty from state control. You can see why a leftist would want to conflate freedom with greed.

Corporations lobbying the government for favorable legislation is also not capitalism. Again, it's the state interfering with the market economy. This type of activity is better described as mercantilism or crony capitalism.

To review, if the state is involved it's not capitalism.

What we've been seeing in the west since ~1900 and before is a steady movement toward more socialist governments. Since the definition of capitalism is always misrepresented in the media people often blame capitalism for socialist policies and the problems that come from it.

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