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  • Less than 50% of children living inside the United States are White.

  • The United States was founded to be a White ethnostate and non whites could never be citizens.

  • niggers, by any genetic standard are a completely separate species.

  • Superiority excites envy.


* Less than 50% of children living inside the United States are White. * The United States was founded to be a White ethnostate and non whites could never be citizens. * niggers, by any genetic standard are a completely separate species. * Superiority excites envy. https://poal.co/s/Niggers/233881/

(post is archived)

And they're still talking about Floyd down here. Any news item that even vaguely relates to some racial or SJW shit, he gets a mention. It's at Never Forget stage now.

People who are so easily fooled make me ashamed to be a part of the same species.