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  • Less than 50% of children living inside the United States are White.

  • The United States was founded to be a White ethnostate and non whites could never be citizens.

  • niggers, by any genetic standard are a completely separate species.

  • Superiority excites envy.


* Less than 50% of children living inside the United States are White. * The United States was founded to be a White ethnostate and non whites could never be citizens. * niggers, by any genetic standard are a completely separate species. * Superiority excites envy. https://poal.co/s/Niggers/233881/

(post is archived)

I wonder why all the white people in the area didn't start hanging niggers at will?

[–] 0 pt

Because we have to take out the Jews in the court systems because the Jews that allow the Muslims and Nager’s and Jews to get away with rape and murder so we have to diss robe and disbar ban all the Jewish judges decision attorneys and prosecutors and lawyers from Being able to be in any position in in the courts and also in politics and then then we can take out the rest in the education system and immigration

[–] 0 pt

They await no other choice with the added caveat that they have permission to do so.