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I live in a very liberal place and I make a conscious effort not to involve politics in my day to day conversation. Made a passing statement.... “ if not wanting to take a vaccine makes me a racist then sieg fucking heil...” I’m not allowed at my uncles house anymore 😂

I live in a very liberal place and I make a conscious effort not to involve politics in my day to day conversation. Made a passing statement.... “ if not wanting to take a vaccine makes me a racist then sieg fucking heil...” I’m not allowed at my uncles house anymore 😂

(post is archived)

[–] 17 pts

How does racism have anything to do with a flu shot? You’re uncle is a twat.

[–] 16 pts

My uncle was very apologetic and I love him. But His 20 y/o boyfriend is insufferable

[–] 7 pts


20 y/o boyfriend

And you are? Don't tell me...14-39 years old.

That faggot fuck thinks you're competing with him for your uncle's attention and approval, which you are.

Fagboy would have found any reason to start a row with you.

[–] 2 pts

Dude there’s no way you weren’t raped as a kid.

[–] 2 pts

The twist we did not see coming

[–] 2 pts

Racism is their catch-all term for I Don't like this. The queer would probably call OP a racist if he rightly called his uncle a faggot.

[–] 9 pts

How is there a connection between refusing vaccines and being racist?

[–] 13 pts

Black people are considerably more likely to get COVID with serious symptoms. Never mind that it's because they're more likely to be morbidly obese, have terrible diets and sedentary lifestyles and generally live as if there are no consequences to their shitty actions. Indeed, we should thank COVID-chan for being so based and mass culling the absolute worst kind of black people.

[–] [deleted] 12 pts

I'm betting that is a line of bullshit (((they))) came up with to add more to the victim status of blacks. So predictable. They label their higher rates of infant and post-partum deaths as caused by the stress of generational historical racism. I just don't want to be around them anymore.

[–] 5 pts

When WarrenTaxahontas spouted that shit on TV I felt those Winston Smith feels.

[–] 8 pts

I thought it was because the melanin in their skin drastically reduces how much vitamin d their bodies can make in addition to their love affair with having lighter skin and constantly wearing long sleeves, hoodies, pants, whatever to keep the sun away.

Nature so racist.

Edited to add, thanks for filling in me in on how I'm more racist than I thought. We should start a point system!

[–] 6 pts

Don’t forget the black sun is coming to unleash their super wet powers /s

[–] 2 pts

Thanks for being so racist, I mean realist

[–] 1 pt

then I start with 1000 points. I was a white kid in Detroit in '68

[–] 3 pts

See this is why I consider that COVID-19 was a biological weapon that was being tested in a lab where it would affect blacks a lot more seriously than other races. Not just blacks, but hispanics too as I'm visiting family in an area of Texas where lockdowns are common place and it's highly left-leaning, but full of mexicans. It is melanin in the skin and the darker the skin, the more they're unlikely to absorb Vitamin D externally from the Sun where they would have to suppliment it by taking high does of Vitamin D3 suppliments daily which most of them never do anyway. I noticed in my hispanic roommate where he was seriously ill whereas I was completely fine while he was hacking & coughing up lung several times where I had to take him to the ER twice at night.

Over the years since I lived in this area, I've noticed many things especially with Central American (CA) illegals and Mexicans. One, they're mostly obese and have a diet that consists of salt which affects the heart. Two, the water in my area is extremely bad as in they water systems put too much salt in the water supply. I've noticed this a few times with my dad out irrigating orchards where the water would leave a thick line of white across the canal. This salt is also found in the drinking water too which is making things worse.

Three, the diets of kids in South Texas are shitty where the food sold in schools is mostly unhealthy garbage and many kids, especially hispanics love this food because it is cheap & can be purchased via by food stamps in extremely large quanities. Many kids in these schools do not exercise nor have healthy diets as they're diets are by whatever their family eats which is usually high in sugar, fat, soy and oil. No veggies, no actual protein, no actual real food. Mostly processed meals.

Four, COVID-19 is more prevalent here because the illegals who are ill with it cross the Rio Grande into the US to get American Taxpayer health care. Health care that should be only used for Americans only. Plus what makes things worse is that these illegals who are seriously ill with COVID-19 are counted into the system, rising up the numbers of both infected and deceased which are pretty high numbers.

[–] 1 pt

Possible, but shit diet and overall health seems to be the big causal factor. I have noticed the same though, Hispanics that I know and have gotten COVID appear to have been more heavily impacted by it

It's not mass killing them. There is hope the vaccine will lead to mass casualties though.

[–] 0 pt

I'm seeing the use of the term "based" a lot in many posts. What is this all about?? Are you all trying to say "biased"? Based on what I see, there are a lot of biased people out there. Can you please use the right word? It is driving me nuts, since I have to stop and think: Do they mean '"biased"? And, yes, they usually do. No. they ALWAYS do. BIASED.

Biased is only a bad thing when you're talking about news. Otherwise, if you try to use the word BIASED in a negative shaming context you're just a retarded nigger.

[–] 5 pts

People of color are at a much higher risk of dying from covid-19, so these white people rushing to get the vaccine first are extremely racist. Their selfish actions are literally killing millions of black people, I can't even.

I personally won't be getting it until every BIPOC person in America gets two doses. It's a sacrifice sure, but don't call me brave, it's just the least I can do to atone for my white privilege.

[–] 2 pts

just asking that proves youre a racist

[–] 1 pt

Do I get a goats out badge!?

[–] 1 pt

MSM said so. I have a parent in dependent care and I try to avoid politics at all cost. I can't even begin to.. One of the people there said Trump caused the RV bombing in TN. I ask how and was told it was implied...

[–] 1 pt

How is there a connection between refusing vaccines and being racist?

"Racist" i a word they call a bad goy with.

[–] 7 pts

It’s sad to realize the people we used to look up to once upon a time are basically retarded.

[–] 8 pts

It took me until my mid forties to realize just how goddammed dummy stupid the elders in my fambly are.

[–] 1 pt

It took me until now to realize how based my elders are. They all think covid is overblown and Trump won the election.

[–] 0 pt

In my family, the cuckoldry went from the bottom up, to infect the elders, I hate to admit but must face the facts. Growing up, my rather large family regularly slurred each other with faggot and disliked black culture. My grandparents said nothing about it, but im pretty sure they were the same for the most part.

Anyways, by the third generation we came to have faggots and nigger-lovers in the family, and faced with the choice between remaining as what came naturally, or accepting “diversity”, they chose the latter for the blind love of their spoiled kids. And since my grandmother had the same blind love for her children, she went along with it all as well.

As a result, most of my uncles are cucked-faggots that in no way, shape, or form, resemble the men they once were. It’s pathetic as to what their wives and children have done to them.

[–] 1 pt

I KNEW IT! Boomer

[–] 2 pts

If he's in his forties right now then he's no boomer. he's probably a Gen X

[–] 1 pt


[–] 0 pt

You know I hate to see you cry Jack 😆

[–] 5 pts

I lost my Father uncle and cousins but I have my Aryan Faith Seig Heil

Lmao at all the retards larping as nazis on this gay site lmao

[–] 5 pts

Good. Your uncle's a tool

[–] 3 pts

You sound like me. (Thankfully I redpilled my family a long time ago.) What the hell did that website do to us!?!?

[–] 2 pts

Yesterday at dinner somebody asked for my political learning, told them straight face that I am a fascist. Not much they could do, since I was the host, but every liberal is free to never come to my house again. I am sick of hanging out with dumb people.

[–] 1 pt

I prefer National Socialist myself, but then I am a Canadian and apart from the communist infiltration we have always been very fond of Nazi Germany. In fact we still have many NS Waffen SS monuments all over Canada.

Not for long, I reckon. Destroying monuments, statues and art is one of the communists' favorite pastimes.

lol...you can come hang out here. Sounds like you'd fit in and we need more funny people.

[–] 1 pt

lol Thanks. I’m not a hater. I love everyone. But if won’t feed their sickness either. It’s okay to disagree even if I’m right 😂

[–] 1 pt

Should of said "My Body. My choice."

[–] 1 pt

Everyone in my family knows am a Nazi. My son sent me ascii art Christmas wishes made out of tiny swastikas.

[–] 1 pt

Is it possible to learn this power?

[–] 1 pt

My uncle Butch taught me everything I know about the 3rd Reich and sex

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