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[–] 9 pts

Why are there niggers wearing the KKK outfits...?

[–] 6 pts

Why were there actual niggers on voat and poal? Also shouldn't you be spamming loli or some other degeneracy?

[–] 2 pts

"Why were there actual niggers on voat and poal?" Because they are disgusting uncle toms that want to cuck and destroy us through getting us to accept them cucking and destroying us. "Also shouldn't you be spamming loli or some other degeneracy?" @AOU said no lolis on Poal :( (they need White man penis)

[–] 2 pts

screen shot any niggers all i saw was some hands that were too tan. The bible/book holder might have been one im not sure

[–] 0 pt

Oh look, its northseapagan and his faggotry.

[–] 2 pts

There are no niggers or women on the Internet, just kikes who think it’ll give them an edge in an argument.

[+] [deleted] 2 pts
[–] [deleted] 3 pts

Because they hate niggers, too.

[–] [deleted] 3 pts

The unicorn that is an educated nigger hates niggers.

[–] 1 pt

The kkk used to be pretty cool guys.

Until their balls dropped off and they forgot catholics are enemies of America just as much as niggers.

[–] 3 pts

Oh hello diggernicks

[–] 0 pt

Hello niglet

[–] 1 pt

Because deep down we're all just niggers jealous of whites so we larp online as hwhite sypreemists

[–] 0 pt

False flag

[–] 5 pts

I'm surprised putt actually shut it down. Guess the anal shekel injection was too good.

[–] 3 pts

But this situation resembles real life. If you can't keep it up to fuck your wife, then somebody else will do the job. I only hope poal won't be such a faggot also.

[–] 5 pts


[–] 3 pts


[–] 1 pt


[–] 4 pts

We're not a bunch of Democrats...

[–] 2 pts

its not about democrat or republican. The nation or government does not make a man, the man makes a nation or a government. The color of your skin is all that matters. One day you'll stop being a worthless civicnationalist and realize that only ethnofacism can fight against evil and preserve a people.

Its about your blood you moron. Its about your ancestors and your dead. Its the Chain nimwit! The chain!

[–] 2 pts

All my point is, the Klan was the Democrat's "muscle" like ANTIFA is trying now.

[–] 1 pt

your point is stupid and you are stupid. Do you have any mixed breed grandchildren?

[–] 0 pt

They are the REAL racists is such a deluded boomer tier shit point.

[–] 3 pts

Just wait until the censoring and drama starts lol. Why do you think nobody migrated here before?

[–] 4 pts

If you're here to cause drama, reddit is that way >>>>>>>>>>>>> [ faggotland ]

[+] [deleted] 4 pts
[–] 0 pt

Poal was essentially a collection of voats biggest drama queens before this exodus. You really don't know your history.

[–] 1 pt

You seem bitter. Not invited to the party?

[–] 4 pts

that sounds mighty suspicious coming from you. On account of that bright pink sign telling me to feel this way.

[–] 1 pt (edited )

yeah, I doubt poal will actually be able to bear the burden of real free speech

may all jews burn

[–] 2 pts

@Intrinsic you'd think i'd learn the second time but i wont

[–] [deleted] 2 pts

Was this party at Pelosi's house? All I see are Democrats.

[–] 5 pts

The United States was founded as a White ethnostate. Non Whites by law were not to be admitted as citizens. Lincoln had plans to use the Federal Government to purchase the slave population and transport them to Liberia with an identical constitution so that niggers would be far away from the US. We knew what would happen otherwise. Jews owned over 80% of the total slave population within the US and 4 in 10 jews in the US was a slave owner while less than 1.8% of all Whites owned slaves.

The kikes started the civil war to keep the nigger venom in the nations veins long enough and it worked. There is no diplomatic solution and race traitors and nigger lovers will get the rope first.

Take the nigger pill you worthless faggot; https://poal.co/s/Whatever/228523/

[–] 3 pts

But that doesn't help explain how it's wi-pipo's collective fault for why Liberia is such a shitty terrible country today, what am I missing??...

[–] 0 pt

Every nigger's folly, every niggers failure, is The White Man's fault. The fuck is wrong with you? Did you not get the memo? Because there was a memo, I just counted them. I have 372 memos about this! Dass, there's a worldwide demoralization campaign being waged on white people everywhere right now. Where the fuck have you been, under a goddamn rock? I mean it, really, look outside. You see snow on the ground? You see that white racist snow? That's your fault. Now shut up and get a shovel. And pay your taxes, niggers got to eat.

[–] 0 pt

Being from the south, i find it hard to find any semblance of jewish culture in it to have been dominated by jewish slave owners. I have never heard any stories of a so-called Master Schecklestein. Most niggers toiled in the south, most Jews were located in the north. I doubt their masters were whipping them from Jew York.

[–] [deleted] 2 pts

Merry Christmas.

Good to have you here.

P.S. I thought you fucked syrians corpses or something?

[–] 2 pts

syriansfuckcorpses, i fuck dolphins

[–] [deleted] 2 pts

I see you take a day off now. That's probably good, gotta maintain that work/life balance.

[–] 2 pts

RIP Voat. Only knew that site for only a short while yet I always hate the death of a good place. On the crazy chance someone has a site rip of it to torrent let me know please. That would make my holiday. I prefer data thats locally stored.

[–] 3 pts
[–] 1 pt (edited )

Thank you I heard about that. I mentioned a torrent though for several reasons. A big one is bypassing the data restrictions. I also very much want to look at and navigate the subverses. SearchVoat would need to do some cooperation with the Voat team to provide that. No clue if they plan to do so. I do hope so.

[–] 1 pt

, i'm sure someone has a text file of the verse names for you. no promises but i need one too and might do it.

Holohoax pill; https://poal.co/s/Whatever/228508/

nigger pill; https://poal.co/s/Whatever/228508/

pedogate/ Qnames them; https://poal.co/s/Anything/228513/

[–] 2 pts

Happy to be hear, and glad that y’all have been welcoming. Was sad to see Voat go but glad to see alternatives and people still coming together to figure it out.

Nothing changed? yeah right

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