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[–] 8 pts (edited )

people should stop using jpeg, because it is a lossy format.

so all those 'sources' get erased and the message looks like a joke

OP is a fag for not locating the original https://i.imgur .com/s7KB4q3.jpg

if you repost this, save my link as something else first hth

[–] 2 pts

OP is a fag for not locating the original https://i.imgur .com/s7KB4q3.jpg

Suggest using this link: https://i.imgur .com/s7KB4q3.png

Same as yours, but corrected the extension.

(Since you couldn't get the extension right, does this make you the fag? :p )

[–] 1 pt

Since you couldn't get the extension right, does this make you the fag?

yes it does, thank you for going the extra mile 👌

[–] 0 pt (edited )

Changing the extension on an imgur URL doesn't change the image you get. It usually serves the original format that got uploaded, unless the filename has 8+ characters before the dot or there are URL params.

To reiterate, fuck imgur.

I can't read the sources in the original one either. Imgur compresses the hell out of files using lossy jpeg compression.

[–] 1 pt

you might be on a phone then because it's listed as a 2560*3600 pixel image ?

It's fine on my monitor

[–] [deleted] 3 pts

You're right. It was imgur fuckery. When I open your link in a new window on my browser it gives me a compressed low res version. Opening it here on Poal inline works fine. Fuck imgur.

[–] 0 pt

Doesn’t matter, mostly those who are already red pilled even care about sources to begin with.

[–] 1 pt


are important, normies need to be educated, not preached at.

Otherwise we'd be no different from the "OMGerd, across State Lines!!!" niggers

[–] 5 pts

40% are admitted pedophiles. Likely it's 50%-100%. Which means it's very much larger. Likely it's 50%-100%. 1 in 15 (6%) is complete bullshit propaganda.

[–] 2 pts

Yeah fags have no moral compass, if they did they wouldn't fuck other men in the ass.

[–] 2 pts
[–] 2 pts

You mirrored the wrong one Ful res: https://files.catbox.moe/60byxx.jpg

[–] 0 pt

Define "wrong one". There is only one OP link. I copied that link of the OP and posted a mirror for that pic as a comment on the post. If I was going to post a mirror for some other link that someone else posted on this thread, I would've posted the mirror for that pic on that comment.

[–] 0 pt

Define "wrong one".

jugs is helping you out by posting the higher res version with visible sources :)

[–] 2 pts

So... what this says is people with mental illness are bad for society and they need help.

1 in 15 is a pedo my ass. It's definitely higher than that. If only 1 in 15 were a pedo there'd be a lot less faggots out there since molesting boys is how they procreate. The vast majority of faggots were molested.

[–] 1 pt

😩 This should be known everywhere.

[–] 1 pt

At the pride whatever event

Interviewer: “So what are you proud about?”

Fag 1: “We put it in the wrong hole-“

Fag 2: “And we like it!!”

“Pride” is part of the reality inversion thing I think. Homosexuality hasn’t been called a sin for a while, but yet pride is a sin yet. There’s something there

[–] 0 pt

The last down right one needs the despite 2% of the population clause

[–] 0 pt

That’s horrible. You didn’t even need all that, just the first one about intestinal worms. I’m glad we don’t have any gay friends. If we did I’d replace our furniture.

I looked it up and the numbers are actually worse. “ In a controlled study 67.5% of 200 homosexual men but only 16% of 100 heterosexual men were found to be infected with intestinal parasites.” Ewww!!

[–] 0 pt

1/15 faggots is a pedo

I mean. No. Like not even remotely close. The self-admitted numbers are 6 in like 8. The true numbers are 1 in 1.

[–] 0 pt

Jewish inversion. All faggots feel shame and know their behaviour is deviant and shameful. Jews use their media influence to make it opposite.

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